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  1. › wiki › Nora_BarlowNora Barlow - Wikipedia

    Emma Nora Barlow, Lady Barlow (née Darwin; 22 December 1885 – 29 May 1989), was a British botanist and geneticist. The granddaughter of the British naturalist Charles Darwin , Barlow began her academic career studying botany at Cambridge under Frederick Blackman, and continued her studies in the new field of genetics under William ...

  2. Aquilegia. Famiglia: Ranuncolaceae. Erbacee cespitose, con belle foglie divise glauco-verdi e fiori a campanula con petali speronati su steli eretti. Prediligono i terreni freschi, ma tollerano anche condizioni moderatamente asciutte e soleggiate.

  3. Aquilegia 'Nora Barlow' bears almost spherical, fully double flowerheads comprising masses of small pink and white petals, surrounding golden yellow sepals. It's a popular aquilegia, grown for its graceful, uprght habit and charming blooms.

  4. Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata 'Nora Barlow' is a stunning variety bred for cut flower production. Its fully double, pink blooms with white tips resemble starry pompons.

  5. columbine 'Nora Barlow'. 'Nora Barlow' is an erect plant to 80cm, with divided, dark green leaves and nodding, spurless, double flowers 2-3cm in width, composed of many narrow, dull deep pink and pale green petals.

  6. Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nora Barlow': piante perenni fiorifere. Presentano un fogliame glauco molto ornamentale.

  7. aquilegia vulgaris plena "nora barlow" - pianta erbacea perenne da mezzombra con fioritura primaverile-estiva colore albicocca e bianco con fogliame verde.