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  1. Tokugawa Masako (徳川 和子, November 23, 1607 – August 2, 1678), also known as Kazu-ko, was the Empress consort of Japan as wife of Emperor Go-Mizunoo. She was a prominent and influential figure the Imperial-shogunate ties and relations, because of her collaboration with her parents Oeyo and Tokugawa Hidetada , the second ...

  2. Tokugawa Masako (徳川 和子, November 23, 1607 – August 2, 1678), also known as Kazu-ko, was the Empress consort of Japan as wife of Emperor Go-Mizunoo. She was a prominent and influential figure the Imperial-shogunate ties and relations, because of her collaboration with her parents Oeyo and Tokugawa Hidetada, the second shōgun of the ...

  3. › wiki › 徳川和子徳川和子 - Wikipedia

    明正天皇 の生母。 徳川秀忠 の娘(五女)で、 徳川家康 の内孫。 女院 号は 東福門院 (とうふくもんいん)。 略歴. 慶長12年(1607年)10月4日、徳川家康より将軍職を譲られた徳川秀忠の五女として 江戸城 大奥 で [1] 誕生する。 母は太閤 豊臣秀吉 の養女・ 達子 ( 浅井長政 の三女)。 最初の名は 松姫 (まつひめ、和姫(よりひめ)とする説もある)。 慶長16年(1611年)には 後水尾天皇 が 即位 するが、 大御所 ・家康は和子の入内を申し入れ、慶長19年( 1614年 )4月に入内 宣旨 が出される。 入内は 大坂の陣 や 元和 2年( 1616年 )の家康の死去、 後陽成院 の 崩御 などが続いたため延期された。

  4. Tokugawa Masako (徳 川 和 子?), Il 23 novembre 1607 - 2 agosto 1678, chiamato anche Kazu-ko è un'Imperatrice Consorte del Giappone. È la figlia di Tokugawa Hidetada, il secondo shogun del periodo Edo della storia giapponese.

  5. Masako Togawa (戸川昌子; Tōkyō, 23 marzo 1933 – Shizuoka, 26 aprile 2016) è stata una scrittrice, attrice e cantante giapponese. Perde il padre ed il fratello durante la Seconda guerra mondiale , si mantiene come cantante nei locali.

  6. Masako TOKUGAWA (November 23, 1607 - August 2, 1678) was the 5th daughter of Hidetada TOKUGAWA and Emperor Gomizunoo's Chugu (second consort of an Emperor).

  7. The empress of Japan [a] is the title given to the wife of the Emperor of Japan or a female ruler in her own right. The current empress consort is Empress Masako, who ascended the throne with her husband on 1 May 2019. Empress regnant. Empress Jitō (645–703) by Katsukawa Shunsho, 18th century. Titles.