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  1. Jeanne Louise Victoire "Zoë" (1787 – after 1792) was the adopted daughter of King Louis XVI (1754–1793) and Queen Marie-Antoinette (1755–1793) of France.

  2. Jeanne Louise Victoire, dite Zoé, née en 1787 et morte après 1792, est une fille adoptive du roi et de la reine de France, Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette d'Autriche 1. Ils l'adoptent en 1790.

  3. Jeanne Louise Victoire, detta Zoé, nata nel 1787 e morta dopo il 1792, è una figlia adottiva del re e della regina di Francia, Luigi XVI e Maria Antonietta d'Austria. Lo adottarono nel 1790. Biografia. È figlia di un ufficiale giudiziario, ha due sorelle maggiori. Quando i suoi genitori morirono nel 1790, fu adottata da Luigi XVI e Maria ...

  4. 15 lug 2023 · “Zoë” Jeanne Louise Victoire. Jeanne Louise Victoire was born in 1787 as the daughter of an usher in the royal household. She also had two older unnamed sisters. They were orphaned in 1790, and Marie Antoinette took over the expenses for the three girls.

  5. 22 feb 2010 · The two eldest girls were placed in a convent, but Jeanne Louise Victoire (at 3, the same age as the Dauphin) was installed in the royal apartments and renamed Zoë. She became the companion for the Dauphin Louis-Charles.

  6. He was followed by Ernestine Lambriquet in 1778, Jean Amilcar in 1787, and "Zoë" Jeanne Louise Victoire in 1790. Armand, Ernestine, and Zoë were the only ones among the Queen's foster children to actually live with the royal family, rather than just live at their expense.

  7. Ernestine a deux sœurs (Louise-Catherine, née en 1776 et Émelie-Marie née en 1780) et un frère (Auguste-Louis, né en 1781). Avant son adoption, la reine Marie-Antoinette la choisit pour être la compagne de jeu et d'étude de sa fille Marie-Thérèse , dite Madame Royale.