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  1. Jan Zwartendijk è stato un diplomatico e dirigente d'azienda olandese. Come direttore degli stabilimenti Philips in Lituania e console part-time del governo olandese in esilio, supervisionò la stesura di 2.345 visti per Curaçao per salvare gli ebrei dall'Olocausto durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Nel 1997 Yad Vashem lo ha ...

  2. Jan Zwartendijk (29 July 1896 – 14 September 1976) was a Dutch businessman and diplomat. As director of the Philips factories in Lithuania and part-time acting consul of the Dutch government-in-exile, he supervised the writing of 2,345 visas for Curaçao to save Jews from the Holocaust during World War II.

  3. Jan Zwartendijk (Rotterdam, 29 juli 1896 – Eindhoven, 14 september 1976) was een Nederlandse bedrijfsleider en diplomaat die aan het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Litouwen duizenden Joden valse papieren verstrekte, waardoor zij uit de handen van de Duitse vervolging bleven.

  4. 6 ott 1997 · None of the refugees arrived in Curaçao, but more than half went on to free countries, while about 1,000 were transported by the Japanese to Shanghai, in China, where they survived the war. Zwartendijk was forced to close down the Consulate in Kaunas on August 3, 1940.

  5. Jan Zwartendijk (1896–1976) was a Dutch businessman who worked for Philips, a manufacturer of light bulbs and radios. In May 1939, he became Philips' director of Lithuanian operations.

  6. Durante l’occupazione nazista, a Kaunas (allora capitale della Lituania), Jan Zwartendijk (1896-1976), un venditore olandese di apparecchi radiofonici, contribuì a salvare più ebrei di Oskar Schindler. Ma mentre le gesta coraggiose dell'industriale tedesco sono conosciute in tutto il mondo (grazie al film vincitore dell'Oscar: Schidler’s ...

  7. 18 set 2023 · Jan Zwartendijk (1896-1976), who headed Philips in Kaunas in Lithuania and was acting consul there, helped thousands to escape to the Dutch Antilles and Suriname, which were not occupied by the Germans.