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  1. › wiki › Elmar_BrokElmar Brok - Wikipedia

    Elmar Brok (Verl, 14 maggio 1946) è un politico tedesco, presidente della Commissione per gli affari esteri del Parlamento europeo (AFET) dal 2012 al 2017. È stato eletto sulle liste della CDU e siede con il gruppo del Partito Popolare Europeo.

  2. › wiki › Elmar_BrokElmar Brok - Wikipedia

    Elmar Peter Brok (born 14 May 1946) is a German politician who was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from 1980 until 2019. He was the chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs from 1999-2007 and from 2012-2017.

  3. Elmar Heinrich Brok ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Politiker und Vizepräsident der Christlich Demokratischen Internationale. Er war von 1980 bis 2019 Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments und von 1999 bis 2007 sowie von 2012 bis 2017 Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten. Brok war zudem von 2013 bis 2018 ...

  4. 5 set 2019 · The European Commission has today decided to appoint Mr Elmar Brok, former Member of the European Parliament, as Special Adviser to President Jean-Claude Juncker on relations with Ukraine. This decision takes effect immediately and the position is not remunerated.

  5. 1 lug 2014 · Elenco completo. Relazioni in quanto relatore. In seno alla commissione parlamentare competente viene nominato un relatore incaricato di elaborare un progetto di relazione su proposte legislative o di bilancio o su altre questioni.

  6. He is chair of the European Endowment for Democracy (a centerpiece of EEAS policy), one of the Parliament’s leading federalists, was involved in drafting the failed EU constitution, and was Parliament’s rapporteur on “enlargement,” helping to guide its massive expansion in the early 2000s.

  7. 10 nov 2014 · EU-Abgeordneter Elmar Brok: „Wahrscheinlichkeit für harten Brexit bei mindestens 50 Prozent“ Elmar Brok, dienstältester Abgeordneter des Europaparlaments, warnt vor einem harten Brexit. Die EU-Kommission stellt am Mittwoch ihre Pläne für den Fall eines ungeregelten Austritts Großbritanniens...