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  1. Hans Hermann von Katte ( 28 febbraio 1704 – 6 novembre 1730) è stato un militare prussiano, noto per la sua amicizia con Federico II di Prussia e le circostanze in cui trovò la morte.

  2. Hans Hermann von Katte (28 February 1704 – 6 November 1730) was a Lieutenant of the Prussian Army, and a friend, tutor and possible lover of the future King Frederick II of Prussia, who was at the time the Crown Prince.

  3. Hans Hermann von Katte (* 28. Februar 1704 in Berlin; † 6. November 1730 in Küstrin) war ein Leutnant der preußischen Armee und Jugendfreund Friedrichs II. Katte wurde auf Anordnung von Friedrich Wilhelm I., König in Preußen hingerichtet.

  4. Tenente dell'esercito prussiano, amico del principe ereditario, il futuro Federico II, cercò di favorirne i piani di fuga dal regno; venuto a conoscenza di ciò re Federico Guglielmo I, K. fu arrestato e condannato a morte. © Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani - Riproduzione riservata.

  5. Lieutenant Hans Hermann von Katte, the young officer who had been his accomplice in the plan, was executed in Frederick’s presence, and there was for a short time a real possibility that the prince might share his fate.

  6. Hans Hermann von Katte (28 February 1704 – 6 November 1730) was a Lieutenant of the Prussian Army, and a friend, tutor and possible lover of the future King Frederick II of Prussia, who was at the time the Crown Prince.

  7. Biographie. Nach dem Tod der Mutter lebte K. auf Doorth bei Deventer, in Berlin und auf Wust bei verschiedenen Familienmitgliedern. 1717-21 besuchte er das Hallesche Pädagogium, studierte anschließend in Königsberg und Utrecht, reiste nach England, Frankreich und Venedig.