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  1. Raymond Barre è stato un politico ed economista francese. Fu Primo ministro dal 1976 al 1981 e sindaco di Lione dal 1995 al 2001. Pur senza aver mai aderito a un partito politico fu un esponente di primo piano dello schieramento liberale e centrista. Fedelissimo di Charles de Gaulle, cattolico praticante, si considerava un ...

  2. Raymond Octave Joseph Barre (French: [ʁɛmɔ̃ baʁ]; 12 April 1924 – 25 August 2007) was a French right-wing politician and economist. He was a Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs under three presidents ( Rey , Malfatti and Mansholt ).

  3. Raymond Barre, né le 12 avril 1924 à Saint-Denis (La Réunion) et mort le 25 août 2007 à Paris, est un économiste, universitaire et homme d'État français. Professeur d'université, il est directeur de cabinet de Jean-Marcel Jeanneney, ministre de l'Industrie dans le gouvernement Michel Debré.

  4. 15 set 2013 · Homme politique français, vice-président de la Commission européenne jusqu’en 1972 et Premier ministre sous la présidence de Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Raymond Barre est surtout l’homme de la mise en œuvre du Système monétaire européen (SME).

  5. 26 apr 2024 · Raymond Barre was a French economist and politician who served as prime minister of France (1976–81). Barre completed his early schooling in Réunion and then moved to Paris, where he studied law, economics, and politics at the faculty of law of the University of Paris and at the Institut d’Études.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  6. Primo ministro e ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze (1976-78), varò nel sett. 1976 un piano basato su rigide misure anti-inflazionistiche che sollevarono aspre critiche da parte dei sindacati e dei partiti di sinistra, ma ottennero l'appoggio dell'opinione pubblica moderata.

  7. As Prime Minister, Barre embarked on a policy of sound money and high taxation in order to control France's propensity to inflation; he also made tentative steps to limit economic dirigisme, by decontrolling some prices.