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  1. Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi (Arabic: أحمد بن إبراهيم الغازي, Harari: አሕመድ ኢብራሂም አል-ጋዚ, Somali: Axmed Ibraahim al-Qaasi; c. 21 July 1506 – 10 February 1543) was the Imam of the Adal Sultanate from 1527 to 1543.

  2. Imam Aḥmad (lingua somala: Axmad Ibraahim al-Gaasi, lingua hararina: አሕመድ ኢቢን ኢብራሂም አል ጋዚ, lingua afar: Acmad Ibni Ibrahim Al-Gaazi), è noto soprattutto per la sua invasione dell'Abissinia che portò alla sconfitta di diversi negus etiopi, attuata mentre era alla guida delle truppe del Sultanato di ...

  3. Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi. (detto Grañ) Leader musulmano etiopico (n. ca. 1506-m. 1543). A partire dal 1527, muovendo dal sultanato dell’ Adal, scatenò un jihad contro l’impero cristiano d’Etiopia, cui inflisse enormi devastazioni.

  4. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Ghazi is known in Ethiopian Christian literature as Ahmad Gran, "the left-handed," political leader of an Islamic jihad movement in sixteenth-century Ethiopia. He rose to power in the context of a century-old struggle for domination in Ethiopia between the Christian emperors who reigned in Ethiopia's central and northern ...

  5. Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi (c. 1506 – February 21, 1543) was an Imam and General of Adal who defeated Emperor Lebna Dengel of Ethiopia.

  6. Aḥmad Grāñ (born c. 1506—died 1543) was the leader of a Muslim movement that all but subjugated Ethiopia. At the height of his conquest, he held more than three-quarters of the kingdom, and, according to the chronicles, the majority of men in these conquered areas had converted to Islam.

  7. Ahmad-ibn-ibrahim-al-ghazi - Treccani - Treccani