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  1. Eliezer Ben Yehuda è stato un giornalista e filologo russo, attivo nella Palestina Ottomana. Nato Eliezer Isaac Perlman Elianov, a Lužky è considerato il fondatore dell'ebraico moderno, come lingua parlata e scritta, circa cento anni dopo la rinascita dell'ebraico come lingua letteraria, al principio dell'Haskalah.

  2. Eliezer BenYehuda (born Eliezer Yitzhak Perlman; 7 January 1858 – 16 December 1922) was a Russian-Jewish linguist, lexicographer, and journalist. He is renowned as the lexicographer of the first Hebrew dictionary and also as the editor of Jerusalem -based HaZvi , one of the first Hebrew newspapers published in the Land of Israel .

  3. 15 dic 2022 · di Roberto Zadik. Omaggio a Eliezer Ben Yehuda, “padre” dell’ebraico moderno, e al suo fondamentale contributo, attingendo dalla Torà e dal suo passato religioso. Il 16 dicembre cade il centenario della sua scomparsa, a 64 anni.

  4. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda never saw the creation of the State of Israel. He passed away only one month after the British authorities declared Hebrew to be the official language of the Jews of Palestine. Yet his dream of yisrael beartzo uvilshono , the rebirth of the nation of Israel in its own land, speaking its own language, came to fruition.

  5. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda was a Hebrew writer and lexicographer, generally considered the father of modern Hebrew, and one of the first active Zionist leaders. Born Eliezer Yiẓḥak Perelman in Luzhky, Lithuania, he officially adopted the pseudonym Ben-Yehuda, which he had previously used in his literary activities when he went to Palestine.

  6. 18 dic 2022 · Una rinascita sorprendente. E’ appena trascorso, senza quasi essere notato, un anniversario importante per la cultura ebraica contemporanea. Venerdì scorso cadeva infatti il centenario della morte di Eliezer Ben Yehuda, l’uomo che più di ogni altro è stato determinante nella rinascita della lingua ebraica.

  7. For the Hebrew language revival, one of the truly outstanding socio-linguistic events of modern times, this characterization is eminently true of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, was born Eliezer Yitzhak Perelman, in the Lithuanian village of Luzhky on January 7, 1858.