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  1. Mairead Maguire (born 27 January 1944), also known as Mairead Corrigan Maguire and formerly as Mairéad Corrigan, is a peace activist from Northern Ireland.

  2. Mairead Corrigan è una pacifista britannica, cofondatrice, con Betty Williams, della Community of Peace People, un'organizzazione a favore della pace nel conflitto nordirlandese. Insieme alla Williams, vinse il premio Nobel per la pace nel 1976.

  3. Role: Founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People) Prize motivation: “for the courageous efforts in founding a movement to put an end to the violent conflict in Northern Ireland”. Mairead Corrigan received her Nobel Prize one year later, in 1977. Prize share: 1/2.

  4. Mairead Corrigan Maguire: “Tacciano le armi. Il mondo si unisca contro il virus della violenza” La Premio Nobel per la Pace fa suo l’appello del segretario generale dell’Onu. E lancia la sfida: “Ogni anno vengono spesi centinaia e centinai di miliardi per armamenti.

  5. Mairead was a co-founder of the Committee on the Administration of Justice, a non-sectarian organisation of Northern Ireland which defends human rights and advocates repeal of the government’s emergency laws.

  6. Irish Republican Army. Founded in 1919. Played a decisive role in the war of liberation against Great Britain. Its goal is to unify Ireland. Starting in 1970, the IRA committed acts of terrorism and assassination in Northern Ireland and England. In 2000 the IRA agreed to abandon its armed struggle.

  7. 19 ago 2020 · Mairead Corrigan is an Irish peace activist, co-founder of Community of Peace People, and cowinner of the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize, with Betty Williams. She was born in 1944 in Northern Ireland and attended a private school until the ages of fourteen.