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  1. Christian Konrad Wilhelm von Dohm (Lemgo, 11 dicembre 1751 – Pustleben, 29 maggio 1820) è stato uno storico tedesco. Biografia. Dohm nacque a Lemgo l'11 dicembre 1751. Anche se era un pastore luterano presso la Chiesa di S. Maria di Lemgo, egli era un fervido sostenitore dell' emancipazione ebraica.

  2. Christian Wilhelm von Dohm (German:; 11 December 1751 – 29 May 1820) was a German historian and political writer. His work, On the Civil Improvement of the Jews , went on to influenced the process of Jewish emancipation .

  3. Christian Konrad Wilhelm Dohm, ab 1786 von Dohm, (* 11. Dezember 1751 in Lemgo; † 29. Mai 1820 in Pustleben) war ein deutscher Jurist, preußischer Diplomat, Historiker und politischer Schriftsteller.

  4. Christian Wilhelm von Dohm (1751-1820), who distinguished himself in Prussian diplomatic and other administrative service, achieved European fame with this essay, which greatly influenced the emergent political process of “Jewish emancipation,” both in Germany and elsewhere.

  5. German historian and political writer; advocate of the Jews, and friend of Moses Mendelssohn; born in Lemgo Dec. 11, 1751; died on his estate near Nordhausen May 29, 1820.

  6. The earlier biography was written shortly after Dohm's death in 1820, W. Gronau, Christian Wilhelm von Dohm (Lemgo, 1824). A newer biography placing Dohm in a broader context is

  7. DOHM, CHRISTIAN WILHELM VON ° (1751–1820), German historian, economist, and diplomat. He was among the first to advocate "reformation" of the Jews and their customs, as well as improvement of their civil status.