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  1. Quella iniziata in aprile 2014 e tutt'ora in corso è la più grave epidemia di Ebola dalla scoperta del virus, nel 1976. In questa pagina: le otto cose da sapere sul virus (vedi), notizie e approfondimenti sul contagio e sulle possibili terapie, sull'evoluzione dell'epidemia e sui rischi che corriamo in Italia (pochi).

  2. 22 ago 2014 · Quell'anno, nel 1976, Ebola uccise 280 persone nell'ex Zaire, l'88% dei contagiati. L'infezione prende il nome proprio da quella prima, drammatica strage: Ebola è il nome della valle dove scoppiò l'epidemia.

  3. 21 set 2014 · Che cos'è Ebola? Da dove arriva il virus? C'è una cura o un modo per fermare l'epidemia di febbre emorragica? Domande e risposte su un virus terribile.

  4. 1 feb 2018 · La malattia da virus Ebola (EVD), in passato nota come febbre emorragica da virus Ebola, è una malattia grave e spesso fatale per l’uomo. Come riportato dall’ Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (Oms), i virus ad Rna del genere Ebola fanno parte della famiglia dei Filoviridae (filovirus).

    • Overview
    • Transmission
    • Symptoms
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • Prevention and Control
    • Who Response

    Ebola virus disease (EVD or Ebola) is a rare but severe illness in humans. It is often fatal. People get infected with Ebola by touching: 1. infected animals when preparing, cooking or eating them 2. body fluids of an infected person such as saliva, urine, faeces or semen 3. things that have the body fluids of an infected person like clothes or she...

    It is thought that fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are natural Ebola virus hosts. Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals such as fruit bats, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, forest antelope or porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainfo...

    The symptoms of Ebola infection can be sudden and include fever, fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. These are followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, and internal and external bleeding. The time from when someone gets infected to having symptoms is usually from 2 to 21 days. A person with Ebola can only spread the disease once they have...

    It can be difficult to clinically distinguish Ebola virus disease from other infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever and meningitis. Many symptoms of pregnancy and Ebola disease are also quite similar. Because of risks to the pregnancy and themselves, pregnant women should ideally be tested rapidly if Ebola is suspected. Confirmation tha...

    People with symptoms of Ebola should get medical care immediately. Early care improves a person's chances of surviving Ebola. Treatment includes oral or intravenous fluids and medicines provided in the hospital. It is not safe to care for people with Ebola at home, because the person may make other people sick. At home, they will not receive the sa...

    People can protect themselves from getting Ebola by: 1. washing hands 2. avoiding touching the body fluids of people who have, or may have, Ebola 3. not touching the bodies of people who have died from Ebola 4. getting the Ebola vaccine if they are at risk for the Zaire type of Ebola. The Ervebo vaccine has been shown to be effective in protecting ...

    WHO works with countries to prevent Ebola outbreaks by maintaining surveillance for Ebola virus disease and supporting at-risk countries to develop preparedness plans. This document provides overall guidance for control of Ebola and Marburg virus outbreaks: 1. Ebola and Marburg virus disease epidemics: preparedness, alert, control, and evaluation W...

  5. 6 mag 2020 · Epidemiologic and Ecologic Features.

  6. La malattia del virus Ebola è una febbre emorragica molto grave e spesso fatale nell’uomo. Tra i cinque diversi sottotipi del virus: Zaire, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Bundibugyo e Reston, solo i primi quattro sono patogeni per l’uomo e negli anni hanno provocato epidemie in diversi paesi africani, con tasso di mortalità variabile dal 25% al 90%.