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  1. The 1856 United States presidential election was the 18th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 4, 1856. In a three-way election, Democrat James Buchanan defeated Republican nominee John C. Frémont and Know Nothing nominee Millard Fillmore.

  2. 7 giu 2024 · United States presidential election of 1856 was an American presidential election held on November 4, 1856, in which Democrat James Buchanan defeated Republican John C. Frémont and former president Millard Fillmore, who ran on the Know-Nothing ticket.

    • Richard Pallardy
  3. Le elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti d'America del 1856 furono la 18° tornata elettorale quadriennale e si tennero martedì 4 di novembre. Furono vinte da James Buchanan del Partito Democratico. Il presidente uscente Franklin Pierce non riuscì a ottenere la nomina di candidato del suo Partito Democratico, nonostante i molti ...

  4. Republican Party Platform of 1856. June 18, 1856. This Convention of Delegates, assembled in pursuance of a call addressed to the people of the United States, without regard to past political differences or divisions, who are opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; to the policy of the present Administration; to the extension of ...

  5. Lincoln knew the Republican Party faced serious challenges as it lacked organization. For the 1856 presidential election, Democrats nominated James Buchanan, a former secretary of State. The Nativists, now called the American Party nominated ex-president Millard Fillmore.

  6. The election also featured the new Republican Party, which offered the dashing explorer John C. Fremont as its candidate. Republicans accused the Democrats of trying to nationalize slavery through the use of popular sovereignty in the West, a view captured in the 1856 political cartoon Forcing Slavery Down the Throat of a Free Soiler .

  7. 20 dic 2023 · Introduction. In 1856, Democrat James Buchanan was elected president in a three-way contest, defeating Republican John C. Frémont and American Party (Know-Nothing) nominee Millard Fillmore.