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  1. Current directorial systems. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Triumvirate) San Marino: Captains Regent Switzerland: Federal Council and equivalent executives of each canton European Union: European Council and European Commission; Directorial republic in Switzerland

  2. A directorial republic is a government system with power divided among a college of several people who jointly exercise the powers of a head of state and/or a head of government. Merchant republic: In the early Renaissance, a number of small, wealthy, trade-based city-states embraced republican ideals, notably across Italy and the ...

  3. The Directorial system is a system of government in which executive power is held by a group of people who operate under a system of collegiality. While there may be a nominal leader, the post is considered to be ceremonial or a first among equals and it typically rotates among its members.

  4. 27 nov 2018 · This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Directorial system Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but ...

  5. A directorial republic is a country ruled by a college of several people who jointly exercise the powers of a head of state and/or a head of government. In political history, the term directory, in French directoire, is applied to high collegial institutions of state composed of members styled director. The most important of these by far was the Directory of 1795–1799 in France. The system ...

  6. In informatica il Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) ( «Standard di Gerarchia dei Filesystem») è uno standard che definisce le directory principali ed il loro contenuto nel file system dei sistemi operativi Unix-like, tra cui i sistemi Linux . Indice. 1 Descrizione. 1.1 Albero e struttura delle directories. 2 Voci correlate. 3 Collegamenti esterni

  7. In informatica un file system distribuito (in inglese, Distributed File System, o DFS) è un particolare file system che permette la memorizzazione di files e risorse in dispositivi di archiviazione distribuiti in una rete informatica, anziché letti o archiviati in maniera centralizzata su di un dispositivo locale, e resi dunque disponibili attra...