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  1. 1 mar 2024 · Liquidated damages are an estimate of intangible or hard-to-define losses to one of the parties in a contract. These damages are to be paid out in the case of a...

    • Will Kenton
  2. Nei sistemi di common law il termine liquidated damages indica l’importo dei danni che viene predeterminato nel contratto e che uno dei contraenti, in caso di inadempimento ad una qualche sua obbligazione, si obbliga a pagare all’altro contraente a titolo di risarcimento.

  3. Liquidated damages, also referred to as liquidated and ascertained damages (LADs), are damages whose amount the parties designate during the formation of a contract for the injured party to collect as compensation upon a specific breach (e.g., late performance).

  4. The inclusion of a liquidated damages clause in an Italian law contract has two main benefits for the contracting parties as: it limits the compensation to the agreed amount in case of breach of contract, and. it releases the creditor from proving the existence and amount of the loss suffered.

  5. 6 feb 2010 · Nella contrattualistica internazionale si riscontra di frequente la presenza nella clausola penale, prudenzialmente denominata liquidated damages clause, di frasi quali: “The parties agree that this clause provides a realistic pre-estimate of our loss and is not intended to be a penalty”.

  6. 22 gen 2021 · Si è svolto giovedì 21 gennaio l’ICC Italia Live Webinar sul tema “Clausole di Liquidated Damages, Termination e Limitazione della Responsabilità nei contratti internazionali” con Alessandro Paci e Claudio Perrella – RP Legal & Tax.

  7. 27 mar 2024 · Under Italian law contracts can include a liquidated damages clause (in Italian: “clausola penale”), which specifies a predetermined amount to be paid in case of breach or delay. This can either be a lump sum for the case of non performance, or an amount for each period of time (e.g. day or week) of delay.