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  1. 28 apr 2022 · Making a GET request to this endpoint (e.g. in browser or with postman) gives me the page content of google as a response. However for testing purposes I want to make sure that the response is a TEMPORARY_REDIRECT with as the Location Header.

    • Overview
    • Why Do A redirect?
    • Redirect with The RedirectView
    • Redirect with The Prefix Redirect
    • Forward with The Prefixforward
    • Attributes with The RedirectAttributes
    • An Alternative Configuration Without The Prefix
    • Redirecting An Http Post Request
    • Forward with Parameters
    • Conclusion

    This tutorial will focus on implementing a Redirect in Springand will discuss the reasoning behind each strategy.

    Let’s first consider the reasons why we may need to do a redirectin a Spring application. There are many possible examples and reasons of course. For example, we might need to POST form data, work around the double submission problem or just delegate the execution flow to another controller method. A quick side note here: The typical Post/Redirect/...

    Let’s start with this simple approach and go straight to an example: Behind the scenes, RedirectView will trigger an HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(), which will perform the actual redirect. Notice here how we’re injecting the redirect attributes into the method.The framework will do the heavy lifting and allow us to interact with these attribute...

    The previous approach — using RedirectView— is suboptimal for a few reasons. First, we’re now coupled to the Spring API because we’re using the RedirectViewdirectly in our code. Second, we now need to know from the start, when implementing that controller operation, that the result will always be a redirect, which may not always be the case. A bett...

    Let’s now see how to do something slightly different: a forward. Before the code, let’s go over a quick, high-level overview of the semantics of forward vs redirect: 1. redirect will respond with a 302 and the new URL in the Locationheader; the browser/client will then make another request to the new URL. 2. forwardhappens entirely on a server side...

    Next, let’s look closer at passing attributes in a redirect, making full use of the framework with RedirectAttributes: As we saw before, we can inject the attributes object in the method directly, which makes this mechanism very easy to use. Notice also that we are adding a flash attribute as well.This is an attribute that won’t make it into the UR...

    Let’s now explore an alternative configuration: a redirect without using the prefix. To achieve this, we need to use an org.springframework.web.servlet.view.XmlViewResolver: This is instead of org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver we used in the previous configuration: We also need to define a RedirectViewbean in the con...

    For use cases like bank payments, we might need to redirect an HTTP POST request. Depending on the HTTP status code returned, POST request can be redirected to an HTTP GET or POST. As per HTTP 1.1 protocol reference, status codes 301 (Moved Permanently) and 302 (Found) allow the request method to be changed from POST to GET. The specification also ...

    Now let’s consider a scenario where we would want to send some parameters across to another RequestMapping with a forwardprefix. In that case, we can use an HttpServletRequestto pass in parameters between calls. Here’s a method forwardWithParams that needs to send param1 and param2 to another mapping forwardedWithParams: In fact, the mapping forwar...

    This article illustrated three different approaches to implementing a redirect in Spring, how to handle/pass attributes when doing these redirects and how to handle redirects of HTTP POST requests. As always, all of these examples are available on GitHub.

  2. 5 feb 2023 · In questa guida, tratteremo in modo approfondito i codici di stato HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect e 307 Internal Redirect, includendo il loro significato e la loro differenza rispetto agli altri codici di stato 3xx redirect.

    • spring redirect 3071
    • spring redirect 3072
    • spring redirect 3073
    • spring redirect 3074
  3. 20 ott 2022 · When we are using Spring reactive Webclient + jetty httpclient we are unable to redirect for HTTP 307 status code and with POST/PUT request body. we are getting exception "Multiple subscriptions not supported on AsyncRequestContent"

  4. 1 nov 2022 · As I’ve mentioned earlier, the default implementation enables auto-redirect for the following status codes: 301|302|303|307|308. If we would like to change this behavior, then the HttpClient followRedirect(BiPredicate<HttpClientRequest, HttpClientResponse>) implementation is a great choice:

  5. 18 ott 2023 · Spring redirect tutorial shows how to redirect a request in a Spring web application.

  6. 21 dic 2017 · A 307 Temporary Redirect message is an HTTP response status code indicating that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to another URI, as indicated by the special Location header returned within the response.