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  1. Wolverine is one of the few X-Men characters appearing in every media adaptation of the X-Men franchise, including the 20th Century Fox X-Men films, television, computer and video games.

  2. A mutant with an unstoppable healing power, adamantium metal claws and no-nonsense attitude makes the man called Logan, one of the most ferocious heroes in the universe. Overview.

    • Overview
    • History This is an abridged version of Wolverine's history. For a complete history see Wolverine's Expanded History The Origin
    • Personality There's a part of me as wild an' fierce as my namesake. I'm a hard man... given to hard ways... when I fight, it's to win. That isn't pretty, an' it sure isn't nice. But bein' a man... that means choosin' to grow an' change an' put aside the old ways. —Wolverine[src] Wolverine is a gruff loner who had a strong sense of personal honor. He also had a wild, animal-like nature to him and a savage, or "berserker," rage which he tried to control. He is also perfectly at home in the wilderness. He is known as one of the most fearless, brave, and dangerous men in the world, stated by Steve Rogers. Wolverine had established himself quickly as the X-Man most willing to permanently deal with their adversaries. He developed close friendships with his teammates Nightcrawler, whose personality diametrically opposed Wolverine's, and Colossus, who often performed the "fastball special" with him. He was something of a father figure to Natasha Romanoff, Shadowcat, Rogue, X-23, and Jubilee. He loved many women, including Rose, Itsu, Viper, Silver Fox, Phoenix, and Mariko. There are only a few people that Wolverine truly trusted, which are Captain America (Steve Rogers), Nick Fury, Jean Grey, and Spider-Man (Peter Parker). Relationships
    • Attributes
    • Paraphernalia
    • Trivia While Wolverine has slain many henchmen, and even a few of his own super powered rogues, he has only ever killed two super heroes: Northstar[427] and the Hornet.[244] Both killing happened while being brainwashed by The Hand. In the 90s, the comics era which saw the peak of Wolverine's popularity, Marvel had the character guest-star in so many books, that from mid-1990 to mid-1993 (for 33 consecutive months), there was not a single month in which at least one non-X-Men-related book featured Logan.[428] Wolverine's record number of appearances in a single month is twenty-four, which occurred in January 2009.[429] Wolverine was ranked as 4th on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011.[430] Wolverine was also ranked as 5th in "The Top 50 Avengers."[431] During the earliest stages of Wolverine's creation, Roy Thomas debated whether to call him that or "the Badger." He eventually opted for "Wolverine" since the other name had connotations that included pestering, bothering being annoying.[432] Chris Claremont intended for Apocalypse to be behind the original adamantium injection in Logan's body. When Barry Windsor-Smith explored Wolverine's past as Weapon X, for no reason other than courtesy towards Claremont, he introduced the idea of Professor Truett Hudson taking orders from an unrevealed higher-up, with the intention of allowing Claremont to reveal said superior was Apocalypse.[433] In 1996's DC vs. Marvel, Wolverine defeated Lobo, who was able to overpower Superman.[434] Wolverine made a cameo appearance in the pages of DC's JLA #1 (January, 1997). In the scene, Wolverine and Doctor Doom are executed by a super villain team known as the Hyperclan. The scene was written by Grant Morrison. Wolverine carries a medical card stating that he is a war veteran[435] who has a metal plate in the head, to help him bypass metal detectors in airports.[436] Logan's blood is type O, Rhesus negative,[437] or is the sole individual on Earth with the Blood Type E.[438] Wolverine told Jean Grey that he once survived for six months under a glacier by eating strips of his own arm (with the healing factor re-growing it back).[227] Wolverine's healing factor requires large amounts of calories to operate, especially after recovering from severe injuries.[439] Wolverine was once captured by S.H.I.E.L.D and imprisoned in "The Cage." His prisoner number was 412075.[440] Wolverine and Spider-Man became blood brothers during a time travel adventure.[45] During the time-travel adventure, Wolverine invented the beer, his greatest love.[267] Being the Weapon X of the Program Weapon Plus, Wolverine considered himself as a Sentinel.[227] Nick Fury stated that in a perfect world, Wolverine would be a level ten S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.[356][436] Deadpool has claimed to have hacked Wolverine's Tumblr account.[441] Logan might suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.[442] In Alpha Flight (Vol. 2) #1 (August, 1997), when part of Department H, Wolverine was given a codename based on the Greek alphabet as Weapon X or "Chi." The letter "X" in the Greek alphabet is called "chi" and is written exactly like the "X" (ex) of the English alphabet. The use of the Greek Alphabet makes sense for Department H-related codenames. The Department has connections to teams named after letters of the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega. According to Vindicator, it is not Wolverine's powers or fighting skills that make him dangerous, but his mind.[443] In the 2007 Transformers movie, Wolverine is explicitly referenced by Glen Whitmann (Anthony Anderson). Observing scratch marks left by AX9-8946-09SU-1, Sergeant Epps (Tyrese Gibson) compares them to Freddy Krueger. Whitman reminds him Krueger had four blades, whereas Wolverine has three, which served better for the comparison. For April Fools' Day 2016, Library and Archives Canada posted a fake article announcing the acquisition of the declassified journals and military records of Wolverine. The article was accompanied by scans of an attestation paper under his name.[444] Once a year, Wolverine ventures into the woods on Native American land to remind himself that he is more of a man than an animal after a Native man helped to remind him of that fact during a period when he was more feral, in part by imparting the 'wise tale' of the 'two dogs' "Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the time." When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied "The one I feed the most." During one of these yearly excursions he met Maya Lopez who was on a vision quest and told the story to her and how he felt it related to him, the man who told Wolverine the story heard it from Maya's father a few weeks before her father died.[445] Due to the character's popularity, Wolverine has been part of several teams concurrently. In the early 2010s, he was part of the X-Men, X-Force, the Avengers, and the New Avengers. In New Avengers (Vol. 2) #1, he quips that multitasking is his mutant power. Wolverine has so many stories written about him that his shelf towers above everyone else's in Now and Then's House of Ideas.[446] Logan has used the email address ''[447] Wolverine's Dawn of X modernized brown costume came about because of X-Men editor Jordan D. White being tired of seeing the character in the yellow and blue costume. When Declan Shalvey was drawing Return of Wolverine #3, the issue featured a scene inside Logan's psyche of him talking with a version of himself wearing his X-Force costume. When White saw the uncolored artwork, it occurred to him to use it as the base for a modern version of the brown costume. Jordan did a rough coloring of Declan's lineart and sent it to House of X creators Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz, who liked the idea and implemented it into the book.[448] Creation and Development
    • See Also
    • Links and References

    I'm Wolverine. I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice.


    Cursed with a berserker fury, the violent mutant known as Wolverine has a reputation of both as an outstanding super hero and as a lethal killer. Born as James Howlett to a wealthy Canadian family at the end of the 19th century, he was forced to abandon his family after the tragic manifestation of his bestial abilities of accelerated healing factor, keenly enhanced senses and bone claws in each hand. Adopting the name Logan, he wandered the world, living a long life filled with blood, war and betrayal, having vile Sabretooth as his archenemy, and the Japanese warrior Ogun as his sensei. Unfortunately, by acting as a lone wolf, Logan was an unwitting subject of the Weapon X Program and had his bones coated in indestructible Adamantium, becoming an even more lethal asset. Rescued and assisted by Mac and Heather Hudson, he joined Department H as a Canadian government operative known as the Wolverine.

    Later, Logan was invited by Charles Xavier to join the X-Men, a team of heroes fighting for peace between humans and mutants. Proving to be a challenging addition to the X-Men due to his aggressive behavior, Wolverine was constantly in conflict with his fellow teammate Cyclops. However, he has gradually grown fond of the X-Men, considering them to be his new family. As a recurrent member of the X-Men, Wolverine has also become a noteworthy member of the Avengers. Moreover, he has been tasked to run the secret mutant strike team known as X-Force to protect mutantkind's interests by employing lethal force. Wolverine was also responsible for reforming the Jean Grey School after parting ways with Cyclops and leading his own faction of X-Men.

    The Origin

    James Howlett's life began in the luxurious Howlett Estate, located in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada. The notably frail and ill child was born to Elizabeth Howlett, who was married to the mansion's owner John Howlett. However, he was the illegitimate fruit of Elizabeth's affair with the Howletts' groundskeeper, the crass Thomas Logan.[103] Although surrounded by the care of servants and the love of his father John, James was largely neglected by his mother, who had been deeply traumatized following the death of her first son, John Jr.. Around the time Rose O'Hara, a red-headed Irish girl, was admitted work as his companion, he was close to Thomas Logan's mistreated son who was nicknamed "Dog." The three youngsters became good friends and shared happy moments in their childhood. Unfortunately, as they came of age, the abuse inflicted upon Dog by his father warped his mind. He made unwanted advances towards Rose, which James reported to his father. In retaliation, Dog killed James' puppy Callie, which led to the expulsion of Logan and Dog from the estate. In a drunken stupor and armed with a shotgun, Logan invaded the Howlett Estate with Dog to take Elizabeth with him. As John Howlett confronted him, Logan shot him in the head, in cold blood. James entered the room when the murder occurred and his mutation manifested: bone claws extended from the backs of his hands and he attacked the intruders with uncharacteristic ferocity, killing Logan and scarring Dog's face with three claw marks.[104] Already an emotionally disturbed woman since the death of her first son, who manifested similar deviancy, a completely unhinged Elizabeth drove James and Rose away and took her life immediately afterward with a blast from Thomas' gun. With Rose's help, James fled the mansion where the tragedy took place. Dog informed John Howlett's father and the police that Rose was the one behind the deaths of the Howletts. The suspicious Mr. Howlett refused to acknowledge James as his blood, and provided money for the running duo in order to get rid of them as they ran away.[103] Rose and the partially amnesiac Logan wandered to the Yukon Territories in Canada, taking refuge in a British Columbia stone quarry, under the guise of being cousins. In order to hide his identity, Rose rebaptized James with the name of Logan.[103] As the time went by, James Howlett rejected his origins and fully took up the identity of Logan as a gloomy hunter. He had problems with the camp's cook Malone, but found support in the foreman Smitty.[105] Soon, with Smitty's incentive, Logan became one of the most respected men by the miners for his hard work. Eventually, he secretly gained the nickname Wolverine due to his animalistic way of work. Simultaneous to his life as a miner during the day, Logan communed with the local wildlife and the bestial aspects of his soul at night.[106] As time passed, Logan's powers grew; he became stronger, his healing factor slowly removed the traumatic memories of his childhood, he accepted his feral nature, and he started to hunt with a pack of wolves. During this period, Logan developed strong feelings for Rose, but could not act on them for the sake of their guise as cousins. Smitty, who had been mentoring Logan all these years, had also grown close to Rose and the two eventually fell in love and became engaged, much to the scorn and surprise of Logan, who later accepted the situation for the sake of Rose's happiness. However, as Logan accepted Rose's decision and made sure that both her and Smitty could leave the mine and live a peaceful life, someone from Logan's past came back looking for revenge: Dog. Dog attacked Logan and started to beat him up in front of Rose but in the midst of the fight, Logan finally remembered who Dog was and what happened on the night his father was killed. He then defeated Dog and was about to kill him with his claws. Rose tried to stop Logan, but she accidentally fell and was impaled on his claws, which killed her. Shocked by what happened, Logan's mind shut down and he decided to abandon the civilized world and lived with the wolves.[107] It was supposedly around this time that Romulus, a supposed immortal being who used and manipulated the members of the Hudson line -- Logan's mother's family -- for decades, decided to take an interest in Logan.


    Even part of an isolated wolf pack, Logan met tragedy. He encountered Death itself.[108] Moreover, he was tracked down by Dog again and had to flee.[109] However, his life in nature came to a real end in the form of enhanced polar bear, fruit of a bizarre experiment, that destroyed the group of wolves.[110] The creature had been designed by Nathaniel Essex, an immoral scientist obsessed with mutations. The death of his experiment put him on Logan's trail. Although able to escape Essex, Logan was captured by the sensationalist Hugo the Great, a ringmaster for a circus of horrors.[111] In the circus, the silent Logan interacted with the Creed siblings, the tender Clara and the vile Saul. Essex was able to murder Hugo and secure Logan to experiment on. The Creeds decided to rescue him.[112] With the Creeds, Logan opened up after years and was reintroduced to civilization as they moved to New York City. With Clara, Logan first met romance. However, Essex found them and sent his guards after Logan. In the battle, once again, Logan's ferocity cost him a loved one as he accidentally murdered Clara. Saul took the opportunity to escape with Logan and return to Essex's base in seek of revenge.[113] There, Logan realized Essex had acted on a tip provided by Saul. Clara, who had survived the attack, went after them only to witness Logan decide to execute Saul. Horrified not by the beast, but by the man, she rejected Logan. Alone one more time, Logan finally understood that the evil tendencies inside of him were human.[114] Not long after, Logan was recaptured by Essex. Involved in a series of bizarre murders, Logan was found collapsed by Victor Creed, a brutal monster known as Sabretooth who wanted revenge for what Logan's involvement with his family. Creed took him to the Ravencroft Institute, where he was lobotomized, tortured, and experimented on by Essex. Thanks to the help of Dr. Claudia Russell, one of the residents who was cursed with being a werewolf, Logan was able to escape.[115] As an independent agent, Logan was recruited by the Hand, an ancient clan of criminal ninjas. When investigating a series of murders executed by a foreigner in Japan, Logan stumbled upon Sabretooth. For the first time, Logan consciously witnessed the cruelty of Creed. They fought each other and Logan lost due to someone else's intervention, waking up later only to find Creed had vanished.[116] At some point later, Logan traveled to another frontier community in the Canadian Rockies near the town of Mount Logan, where he met a widowed Blackfoot woman named Silver Fox.[117] The two shared a cabin together and lived happily for a time.[118] Around this time, Sabretooth met Logan again. This time, they formed a friendship due to their shared interests in the local community.[119] On Logan's birthday, they prepared themselves to celebrate. Tragically, Sabretooth had other plans and brutally attacked Silver Fox, leaving her for dead, the first of many birthday planned "surprises" from him to come. Enraged, Logan battled him in a bar, only to be defeated and almost killed.[120][121] Additionally, Sabretooth then manipulated a feral, mindless Logan into believing the people of the nearby town had ordered Silver Fox's death to get rid of him, prompting Logan to slaughter the inhabitants of the town and falling under Romulus' influence.[122]

    Immortal Warrior

    In the years that followed, Logan traveled all around the world, he became a soldier, a mercenary, an assassin, an outlaw, a spy, and a samurai, fighting in many wars. He met his master and father figure Lord Ogun,[123] and fought with or against (or both) individuals such as Natalia Romanoff whom he trained in martial arts,[124] the vampire hunter Eric Brooks,[125] fellow mercenary Eugene Judd,[126] Bucky Barnes,[127] Nick Fury,[127] and Captain America. Logan also met several that would became some of his fiercest enemies, such as Cyber,[127] Mystique,[128] Nuke,[129] and Bloodscream.[130] After the end of World War II, Logan, under Ogun's advice, sought redemption for his past actions in Jasmine Falls, Japan, where he studied with Bando Saburo, in order to learn how to be a man and to leave his warrior nature behind.[131] Here he fell in love with a local woman named Itsu. They married and conceived a child together which filled Logan with joy,[131] but Itsu was murdered by the now brainwashed Bucky Barnes, a.k.a the Winter Soldier, under Romulus' orders.[131] Believing that both his wife and child were dead, Logan disappeared. To avenge their deaths he went to see an immortal swordsmith named Muramasa, who used a piece of Logan's soul to forge a mighty blade that Logan would claim years later.[131] Logan was then retrieved by Romulus' organization and brainwashed once again, but unknown to him, Romulus also took the child from Itsu's womb and he was safely born and adopted by a Japanese couple. This child was named Akihiro, but he eventually took the name "Daken," meaning "Mongrel."[132]

    There's a part of me as wild an' fierce as my namesake. I'm a hard man... given to hard ways... when I fight, it's to win. That isn't pretty, an' it sure isn't nice. But bein' a man... that means choosin' to grow an' change an' put aside the old ways.



    Mutant Physiology: Logan is a mutant who had been given an Adamantium skeleton by the Weapon X Program.[144] Nick Fury's intel classified him as Power Level 9,[356] while the O*N*E classified him as a Severe Threat.[357] •Regenerative Healing Factor: Wolverine's body naturally regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissues and organs at a rate which exceeds that of any normal human. The rate of regeneration is proportional to the damage caused. This process is automatic, and Wolverine seems to have no control over it.[358] His healing factor, however, does not seem to stop Wolverine from feeling the pain of his wounds nor the pain of his body regenerating itself. The speed at which he heals has fluctuated considerably in recent years. After first losing his Adamantium, Wolverine's healing factor recovered and increased to a level far above his previous norm.[359][360][361] Another important fact is that Wolverine's healing factor and those of similar healing factor have a particular quality in how they work. For James, his children, and other animalistic mutants with healing factors, the healing ability focuses on the most life threatening injuries or problems and then moves on to lesser injuries. This has caused issues and been exploited by enemies such as when Logan captures Daken by having Bucky shoot Daken in the head with a Carbonadium bullet[362] or when a scientist was operating on Native and inserted a powerful radioactive material into her to slow Native's healing factor while she performed surgery.[363] •Contaminant Immunity: Wolverine's natural healing also affords him virtual immunity to poisons, viruses, diseases, and most drugs. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated from alcohol. It can be accomplished with extraordinary amounts of alcohol,[172] and even then, the entire cycle of intoxication and hangover can be completed in mere minutes.[364] Wolverine's healing factor has cured him of the mystical curse of lycanthropy after he had been bitten and turned into a werewolf,[365] and from vampirism;[366] though it should be noted that the time it took to cure the werewolf curse was longer than the time it took to cure him of vampirism; when he was infected with vampirism he had also been infected with nanites to temporarily deactivate his healing factor and use him as a 'booby-trap' on the vampires. •Fatigue Resistance: Wolverine is partially resistant to fatigue poisons produced from physical activity. •Decelerated Aging: In addition, Wolverine's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process; Wolverine was born sometime during the late 19th century. Although well over 100 years of age, Wolverine retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life. •Telepathic Resistance: Wolverine has stated to Emma Frost that he is resistant to telepathic probing, from both level 9 psi-shields implanted by Professor Charles Xavier[367] and his healing factor creating “mental scar tissue” blocking it,[368] although he is not completely immune to telepathy as he does appear to be vulnerable to extremely powerful telepaths such as Quentin Quire.[335] •Retractable Bone Claws: Wolverine's skeleton includes six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolverine could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The bone claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone; even before they were infused with Adamantium, they could penetrate most flesh and many natural materials. After augmentation, his bones became indestructible and his claws are capable of piercing any material (relative to its thickness and the force Wolverine can exert). The Adamantium bonding process which affected his bones effectively transformed them into a new alloy called "Adamantium-Beta"[369] which, combined with his healing factor, prevents his Adamantium skeleton from interfering with his bone marrows production of blood cells. Wolverine can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he needs to keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are housed entirely within his forearms, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended.[358] •Hot Claws: A new facet of his Adamantium tipped claws upon his resurrection is to cause them to heat up several thousand degrees in seconds.[370][371] A trait which is seemingly tied to Wolverine's berserker rage, how hot they can get remains a mystery but they can reach high enough temperatures to cause gasoline to ignite on contact with it.[372] •Superhumanly Acute Senses: Wolverine's super-human senses are a combination of a separate mutant ability and his Healing Factor since his sense organs atrophy at a much slower rate than normal humans.[358] His most improved senses are sight, hearing and smell. Due to these enhanced senses, Wolverine has claimed he can function in complete darkness as though it were daylight.[180] •Superhuman Hearing: Wolverine is capable of hearing sounds from a far greater distance than any human, and is said to be less developed than Daredevil.[358] •Superhuman Sight: Wolverine sight is improved, allowing him to see further than a normal human. •Superhuman Smell: Wolverine's sense of smell is even more magnified and allows him to recognize and track objects and people just by smell alone. Daredevil once posited that Wolverine's sense of smell is slightly more developed than his.[373] •Superhuman Taste: Wolverine can distinguish individual ingredients in food or drink he consumes at a smaller part per volume than a normal person.[374] •Superhuman Touch: Wolverine's sense of touch gives him greater sensitivity to air direction and temperature differentials in his environment. He is able to sense Cyclops's incoming power beam based on the shift in air pressure that precedes its arrival.[171] •Superhuman Strength: Wolverine's reinforced skeleton allows him to withstand high levels of physical pressure. His strength is also boosted to enhanced levels, allowing him to lift more than 800 lbs but no more than 2 tons.[375] •Superhuman Speed: Wolverine is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. He has attacked faster than the eye could follow and even Spider-Man briefly thought Wolverine was faster than he was in their first fight. His combat speed seems more enhanced than anything else, as he has frequently kept up with Spider-Man in combat, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers. •Superhuman Stamina: Wolverine's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than actual humans. His stamina has been described as metahuman, indicating the ability to continually exert himself for several days at peak efficiency.[375] •Superhuman Durability: Wolverine has superhuman durability due a combination of his healing factor and Adamantium skeleton.[375] •Superhuman Reflexes and Agility: Wolverine's reflexes and agility are enhanced beyond the capabilities of the normal human body.[375] On several occasions, he was able to dodge Cyclops' optic blasts with ease,[285][122] although this is partly due to his enhanced senses.[171] •Animal Empathy: Wolverine has been seen to be able to understand the emotions of animals around them and communicate with them on a very basic level. Wolverine has been seen to be able to show animals his intentions and actions so he would not be perceived as a threat to them.[376][377] Wolverine lost his healing factor for several times: •1.Infected with a Microverse virus.[310] •2.Getting shot by Sabretooth with the Neutralizer.[378] Former Powers Solipsistic Manipulation: For the briefest of times, Logan had been touched by the power belonging to the Crystal of Ultimate Vision when he and his compatriots were forced into seeking it out for the extraterrestrial plunderer Horde. When after said assailant killed Wolverine by tearing out his heart and the relic had supercharged his healing factor to the point that a few drops of his blood could regrow him a whole new body from nothing.[172] Mr. Howlett was infused with all the knowledge, therefor, all the power of the cosmos and its various denizens. For in actuating the Crystal's power one becomes all-knowing and seeing; making the user all powerful through the law of EVERYTHING being related to the user through absolute knowledge of everything. Therefore, enabling the manipulation of anything related to them through shared knowledge & experiences. •Omniscience: The crystal of ultimate vision grants its handler absolute knowledge of all subjects and understanding, making them at one with the cosmos, expanding their senses and experiential understanding out and beyond the natural range of physical olfactory input. •Omnipotence: Backed by the power of the Crystal of Ultimate Vision; Wolverine was capable of just about anything he could vividly imagine. Psychically snatching away the fragment of the crystal that kept Horde long-lived and ever powerful with a thought, envisioning the whole of the universe as if he were one in the same with it and even being able to reach out and reorder the cosmos in any way he saw fit too. Phoenix Force: During a time travel adventure with Spider-Man, Wolverine ended in the future where he discovered that a future version of Beast created a powerful weapon called the Phoenix Gun. This gun could fire one Phoenix Bullet containing the power of the Phoenix force which could destroy any target but also its user. While facing Doom the Living Planet, Logan used the Phoenix Gun and fired the Phoenix Bullet which killed both Doom and himself. But shortly after Wolverine was resurrected by Spider-Man thanks to a cosmic cube, after his resurrection the Phoenix Force stayed within him, and it manifested later on turning Wolverine into the Dark Phoenix. Thanks to Spider-Man's help it seemed that Logan was able to get rid of the Phoenix Force. During the Phoenix's tournament, Logan was once again empowered by the Phoenix Force, hoping to use the Phoenix's powers to benefit mutants and prevent non-mutants from using it. He was stripped of this power boost after being defeated by the Black Panther.[379] As a host of the Phoenix Force, Wolverine possessed the following powers: •Precognition: While masquerading as a masked wrestler with Spider-Man's past self, Logan had a brief glimpse into young Parkers future wherein the tragedy of Uncle Benjamin Parker occurred due to his hubris.[109] •Cosmic Pyrokinesis: An Avatar of the Phoenix can create 'cosmic' flames under any conditions even the impossible ones such as vacuum space or underwater. •World-Destruction Capability: As an Avatar of the Phoenix, he was capable of destroying the world.[380] •Cosmic Knowledge: While possessed of the Phoenix's power, users become a universal encyclopedia of insight into events that have, will or has yet to happen. Such as Logan being aware of the planetoid where the time diamonds were located before the world exploded; scatting it's contents across galaxies. •Self-Resurrection: As an Avatar of the Phoenix, hosts are capable of reviving themselves after death. Logan's rising from his grave after firing the Phoenix Gun was as much due to Peter's tinkering with the cosmic cube as it was the flame raptors power reasserting itself while nested in his remains.[267] •Temporal Immunity: The Phoenix exists outside of space/time and as such its hosts are made immune to the effects of time manipulation. Chi Augmentation: In order to fight against Agamotto, Doctor Voodoo once magically infused Wolverine with the powers of several heroes, among them were Hellstorm and Iron Fist which resulted in the appearance of both an Hell-Mark and the "Heart of the Dragon" insignia on Logan's chest. With the power of the Iron Fist in his possession Wolverine had the ability to utilize the mystical chi in order to further enhance his mental and physical capabilities.[381] •Chi Manipulation: With the power of the Iron Fist, Logan could utilize various powers and abilities such as hypnotism, mind fusion, energy absorption, energy manipulation, energy generation, energy detection, empathy, increased durability, increased healing, extended longevity, environmental adaptation, and most notably, the Iron Fist, by concentrating hard enough and long enough, to create a superhuman energy derived from the Heart of Shou-Lao, that made him strike with superhuman power and resistance to injury or pain.[382] Symbiotes: On at least three occasions Logan was bonded to symbiotes, either extracted from the Grendel from the planet Klyntar, created on earth or by the Carnage Symbiote. The first time was during the Vietnam War in 1966 when he helped Nick Fury investigate and put a stop to the atrocities committed by the Sym-Soldiers in Vietnam. After they discovered a survivor Rex Strickland codename Tyrannosaurus, who was part of the Sym-Soldiers and who appeared to have been separated from his symbiote, Logan was ambushed by Rex's symbiote and taken over. Rex managed to separate Logan from the symbiote afterwards thanks to one of Nick Fury's energy gun. Years later, Logan investigated several murders in an old facility in Northwest Territories in Canada and was ambushed by a symbiote clone created from a piece of the original Venom symbiote's tongue. After a brief fight between the two, a nuke was dropped on them. Logan survived thanks to his healing factor, but the Venom clone also survived by taking over a swarm of cockroaches. The Venom clone then ambushed Wolverine and bonded to him. Fortunately, before bonding to him, Logan was implanted with a phone capable of shooting lightning by the Suit. Shortly afterwards, Patricia Robertson, a lieutenant in the US Army detonated the phone on Wolverine's chest which separated Logan from the symbiote.[383] Finally, during a mission with the Avengers in Doverton, Wolverine alongside his teammates was possessed by the Carnage Symbiote that allowed Cletus Kasady to control them. Thanks to the help of Scorn, Spider-Man and Agent Venom, Cletus Kassady was trapped in a sonic chamber, which separated him from his symbiote and freed Wolverine and the other Avengers.[384] When bonded to a symbiote, Logan possessed the powers provided by them which included: •Superhuman Strength •Superhuman Durability •Superhuman Stamina •Superhuman Speed •Superhuman Agility •Superhuman Reflexes •Regenerative Healing Factor •Constituent-Matter Generation •Shapeshifting But also, their weaknesses such as a vulnerability to heat and sonic based attacks. It also has to be noted that during an Avengers mission, Wolverine alongside several Marvel Heroes was infected by a Venom Virus created by Victor Von Doom with a sample of the Venom symbiote's biomass, which was accidentally unleashed on New York City.[385][386] Iron Man was able to synthesize an antidote that stopped the virus from spreading and freed its hosts, Logan included.[387][388] However, while the Venom Virus was created using a sample of the Venom symbiote, it wasn't "technically" a symbiote.[389] Asgardian Claws: In order to fight the Worthy, he along with the Mighty had certain weapons blessed with Asgardian Magic. His claws were enchanted which magically enhanced him in battle to the point his appearance changed. They were able to defeat them with the enchanted weapons. After their victory, they retired the enchantment.[390] Hellverine Transformation: During the period when the demon Dagra-ghul was grafted onto him by Father Pike, turning him into Hellverine, Logan gained additional powers reminiscent of those possessed by a Spirit of Vengeance, which included: •Superhuman Strength[391] •Superhuman Durability[391] •Superhuman Stamina[391] •Superhuman Speed[391] •Superhuman Agility[391] •Superhuman Reflexes[391] •Regenerative Healing Factor[391] •Hellfire Manipulation[391] •Hellfire Projection •Hellfire Infusion •Supernatural Awareness[391] •Chain Projection[391] Cosmic Ray Mutation: After being exposed to cosmic rays, Wolverine developed powers similar to Mister Fantastic's. These powers were removed after the cosmic energy was removed:[392] •Plasticity[393] •Elongation[393] Cathexis Ray Mutation: After being subjected to energy from the Intelligencia's Cathexis Ray Generator, Wolverine was transformed into a Hulk-like being.[394] He reverted to normal when the energy was re-absorbed by the Cathexis Ray:[395] •Superhuman Strength[396] •Superhuman Durability[396]


    Skilled Tracker: Due to his superhuman sense, Wolverine is considered to be one of the world's most skilled trackers. Above Normal Intelligence: Wolverine has an above normal level of intelligence.[375] Master Martial Artist: Wolverine has mastered virtually every form of hand to hand combat on Earth. Due to his age and experience, Wolverine has taught many heroes some form for fighting, these include: the Black Widow,[397] Rogue,[398] Storm,[399] Nightcrawler,[400] Colossus,[401] Primal,[402][403] Sunspot, Armor,[235] Jubilee,[404] Rachel Summers,[399] Phoebe Cuckoo,[405] and Shadowcat in hand to hand combat.[399] Weapons Expert: Wolverine is a trained expert with many guns, blades, explosives, and other weaponry due to his experiences as a solider, samurai, spy and mercenary. Computer and Vehicles Expert: Wolverine is trained in the use of several computer systems and vehicle repair as well as being an accomplished pilot.[375] Expert Assassin: Wolverine has knowledge of several assassination techniques. Multilingual: A polyglot; Wolverine is fluent in many languages including English, Japanese, Russian, Mandarin, Cheyenne, Lakota, Spanish, and Krakoan.[329] Logan also has some knowledge of Farsi,[406] French, German, Korean,[407] Thai, and Vietnamese. Notably, he is also one of the few individuals who has demonstrated the ability to understand Doopspeak.


    Memory Issues: Likely due to his healing factor, Wolverine has experienced large periods of life without memories of certain traumatic events. Sensory Overload: One of Wolverine's weaknesses is the fact that his heightened senses could be taken advantage of. For instance, when Wolverine was fighting the Hulk (Bruce Banner), he was nearly killed by the Hulk's thunderclaps due to his heightened sense of hearing.[408] Adamantium Allotropes: The Adamantium has thirteen different allotropes (variants) that are very unstable compared to Adamantium because of their different molecular configurations and thus physical properties. For example, Adamantium nine caused Wolverine to become dizzy and weak just by being in close contact with it.[409] Hot Claws: A new addition to his abilities that comes with the drawback of weakening his regenerative ability the longer he has them active, having gone full tilt berserker during a skirmish with the X-Men leaving him drained of stamina as they absorb energy from his Healing Factor in order to work.[319] Drowning: Of the few ways to kill Wolverine, given drowning cuts the brain's oxygen supply.[410] He has admitted that being kept underwater can kill him, with the healing factor only prolonging the agony.[411] Wolverine added that he is not fond of being on water, as the addition of nearly 100 pounds of Adamantium to his body reduced his buoyancy.[412] Muramasa Blade: Wolverine's only specific vulnerability known to date. Created by having his soul infused into the katana, the efficiency of his mutant healing factor is decreased dramatically if he sustains injury from the Muramasa Blade. Wolverine has been wounded once with the blade[413] and, though the injury was very minor, it did not heal completely for 2 days. Later the blade was broken and a piece of it was stolen by Daken and laced to the underside of his two wrists' bone claws, similar to his father's bonding process, by Phineas Mason (Tinkerer). Logan later removed the pieces of the Muramasa blade from Daken's arms and buried them with the rest of the blade in an unmarked grave near the Howlett Estate in Alberta.[251] After Logan's death, Laura Kinney and Carol Danvers were tricked into revealing the location of the blade and its fragments to the Orphans of X who melted it down and forged it into several bullets.[414] With the onset of X of Swords however, two all new Muramasa Blades were made by the late Swordsmith in the depths of Hell. It was made evident that the mystic incisor can cut through Adamantium as stated by Logan himself.[341] Former Weaknesses Adamantium Allergy: Wolverine was once artificially given Adamantium allergy.[415] Carbonadium Digestion: Wolverine's healing factor is also affected, though to a far less degree, if he ingests Carbonadium.[135] Adamantium Poisoning: Adamantium has proven to secrete poison which stunts Wolverine's healing factor and feral rage by a very small degree. Even though he has it laced throughout his entire body it has not made a significant change in his abilities. However, the poisoning will endanger Wolverine's life if his healing factor fails on him, such as when an inhibitor field cancels out his mutant powers. Following the loss of his healing factor, Beast is forced to synthesize a drug to counteract the adamantium poisoning so Wolverine can survive it without his healing factor.[311] Decapitation/Severe Spinal Damage: Professor X once stated that Wolverine could be killed if his head became separated from his body, causing his brain to be unable to send signals to the section(s) of his body that needs healing. However, it has been shown he can fully heal his own body from a single drop of blood, however, this also required the immense power from the Crystal of Ultimate Vision.[172]


    Usually Logan wore a standard X-Men uniform or street clothes. His gloves often had grooves in the forearm so they did not tear when he unsheathed his claws. Adamantium: Not part of his natural mutant attributes, Wolverine's entire skeleton, including his bone claws, were laced with the rare, artificial, and virtually indestructible metal alloy known as Adamantium - or True Adamantium. As a result, Wolverine's bones are virtually unbreakable. The presence of the Adamantium has further enhanced the already razor-sharp edge of Wolverine's bone claws. Aside from being practically indestructible, the claws are capable of cutting through any solid material, with the known exception of Proto-Adamantium (Captain America's Shield).[416] However, Wolverine's ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon the thickness of the substance and the amount of force he can exert. The Adamantium also weighted his blows, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of his punches and kicks. His Adamantium claws have been able to damage the Thing,[417] the Hulk,[418] Gladiator,[419] Count Nefaria,[420] Thor Odinson,[421] Namor, have been shown to easily penetrate Thanos's chest, etc. •Adamantium Beta: Adamantium Beta is a metal that can bond to the human skeleton.[369] The properties of Adamantium Beta is capable of bonding directly into the structure of skeletal material while not inhibiting the living nature of the bone.[369] The only known occurrence of Adamantium Beta was during the Weapon X Project when it was experimented on Wolverine.[369] During the second part of the procedure, they laced his bones with Adamantium, and there was a reaction with his healing factor that bonded the metal with his skeleton.[369] As a result from Dr. Jaime Munoz's research, the Adamantium itself can regrow just as Wolverine's natural bones can.[369]


    Throughout his life, Wolverine has used a variety of bladed weapons, most frequently daggers and, at times, swords; as a samurai, he was especially skilled with the katana. He has also wielded many different types of firearms throughout his careers as a soldier, a mercenary, and a spy. While he was highly skilled with firearms and because of his perfect eyesight it is very difficult for him miss when firing a gun, he has stated on multiple occasions that he isn't fond of them and prefers to use bladed weapons, despite this, Wolverine used guns frequently after he lost his healing factor.[423] •New Muramasa: After seeking out the ancient swordsmith whom created his prior blade, Wolverine now wields an all new enchanted Katana to participate in the battle for Krakoa.[341]


    Various Motorcycles, Avengers' Quinjet and X-Men Blackbird and X-Men Dove, formerly Gateway, X-Men Stratojet, Professor Xavier's Rolls Royce.

    •While Wolverine has slain many henchmen, and even a few of his own super powered rogues, he has only ever killed two super heroes: Northstar[427] and the Hornet.[244] Both killing happened while being brainwashed by The Hand.

    •In the 90s, the comics era which saw the peak of Wolverine's popularity, Marvel had the character guest-star in so many books, that from mid-1990 to mid-1993 (for 33 consecutive months), there was not a single month in which at least one non-X-Men-related book featured Logan.[428]

    •Wolverine's record number of appearances in a single month is twenty-four, which occurred in January 2009.[429]

    •Wolverine was ranked as 4th on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011.[430]

    •Wolverine was also ranked as 5th in "The Top 50 Avengers."[431]

    •During the earliest stages of Wolverine's creation, Roy Thomas debated whether to call him that or "the Badger." He eventually opted for "Wolverine" since the other name had connotations that included pestering, bothering being annoying.[432]

    •3397 appearance(s) of James Howlett (Earth-616)

    •45 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of James Howlett (Earth-616)

    •521 minor appearance(s) of James Howlett (Earth-616)

    •664 mention(s) of James Howlett (Earth-616)

    •35 mention(s) in handbook(s) of James Howlett (Earth-616)

    •6077 image(s) of James Howlett (Earth-616)


    1.Wolverine: The Origin #1 2.Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 3) #14 3.Power Pack (Vol. 4) #5 4.Wolverine: Origins #6 5.Untold Tales of Spider-Man #-1 6.Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man & Other Bloody Tales #1 7.Wolverine: Dangerous Games #1 8.Logan #2 9.Invaders (Vol. 3) #4 10.Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #4 11.Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #3 12.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #106 13.Black Cat #10 14.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #50 15.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #34 16.Avengers / Invaders #9 17.Alpha Flight (Vol. 2) #1 18.Wolverine: Saudade #1 19.Uncanny X-Men #352 20.Fantastic Four (Vol. 6) #21 21.Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #20 22.Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #5 23.Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 2) #1 24.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #49 25.Wolverine: Japan's Most Wanted: Infinite Comic #5 26.Marvel Comics Presents #72 27.Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1 28.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #16 29.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #36 30.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #45 31.Wolverine (Vol. 5) #13 32.X-Men (Vol. 2) #74 33.Cable & Deadpool #44 34.Uncanny X-Men #268 35.X-Men #103 36.Loki (Vol. 3) #5 37.Uncanny X-Men #353 38.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #73 39.Uncanny X-Men #236 40.Uncanny X-Men #212 41.Marvel Comics Presents #9 42.Wolverine Weapon X #6 43.Wolverine: The Best There Is #7 44.Spider-Man Versus Wolverine #1 45.Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #6 46.Wolverine: Revolver #1 47.Wolverine & the X-Men #20 48.Uncanny X-Men #213 49.X-Force (Vol. 6) #4 50.Punisher (Vol. 6) #16 51.Marvel Comics Presents #98 52.Wolverine: Switchback #1 53.X of Swords Handbook #1 54.Wolverine & the X-Men (Vol. 2) #8 55.Cable (Vol. 4) #1 56.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #49 57.New X-Men #129 58.Incredible Hulk #180 59.Wolverine: Bloody Choices #1 60.Wolverine: Origins #21 61.Savage Avengers #12 62.X-Men: Declassified #1 63.Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1 64.Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #4 65.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #14 66.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #308 67.Web of Venom: Ve'Nam #1 68.Venom #8 69.Carnage, U.S.A. #2 70.Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #11 71.Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #12 72.Infinity Gauntlet #4 73.Infinity Gauntlet #6 74.Uncanny X-Men #203 75.Uncanny X-Men #227 76.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #20 77.Death of Wolverine #4 78.Hunt for Wolverine #1 79.House of X #4 80.House of X #5 81.Inferno (Vol. 2) #1 82.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #16 83.A.X.E.: Judgment Day #2 84.A.X.E.: Judgment Day #5 85.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #27 86.Wolverine: Weapon X Files #1 87.Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 88.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #35 89.Wolverine: The Origin #1–6 90.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #10 91.Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1–6 92.Marvel Comics Presents #73–84 93.Alpha Flight #31–32 94.Incredible Hulk #180–182 95.Giant-Size X-Men #1 96.X-Men #121 97.New Avengers #6 98.X-Force (Vol. 3) #1 99.X-Men: Regenesis #1 100.House of X #1 101.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #1 102.X-Force (Vol. 6) #1–6 103.Wolverine: The Origin #3 104.Wolverine: The Origin #2 105.Wolverine: The Origin #4 106.Wolverine: The Origin #5 107.Wolverine: The Origin #6 108.Marvel's Voices #1 109.Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #4 110.Origin II #1 111.Origin II #2 112.Origin II #3 113.Origin II #4 114.Origin II #5 115.Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1 116.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #53 117.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #125 118.X-Men: Origins #5 119.X-Men Origins: Sabretooth #1 120.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #65 121.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #50 122.Wolverine: Origins #5 123.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #113 124.Wolverine: Origins #9 125.Blade (Vol. 4) #5 126.Alpha Flight #17 127.Wolverine: Origins #17 128.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #62 129.Wolverine: Origins #3 130.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #78 131.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #40 132.Wolverine: Origins #26–27 133.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #63 134.It has to be noted that according to Wolverine: Origins #6 and Wolverine: Origins #7, Logan being shot with Carbonadium bullets and the Berlin mission happened in 1963, which contradicted several past stories; however, Wolverine: Weapon X Files #1, Wolverine Saga (Vol. 2) #1, and History of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #2, which were released after Wolverine: Origins #6 & Wolverine: Origins #7, re-established that Logan being shot with Carbonadium bullets and quitting Team X happened in early and late 1968, though all these dates should be considered topical references due to the sliding timescale. 135.Wolverine: Origins #7 136.Wolverine: Origins #8 137.X-Men (Vol. 2) #5–6 138.X-Men (Vol. 2) #7 139.History of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #2 140.Logan: Shadow Society #1 141.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #91 142.Wolverine & Captain America: Weapon Plus #1 143.Marvel Comics Presents #73 144.Marvel Comics Presents #73–74 145.Marvel Comics Presents #75 146.Weapon X (Vol. 2) #24 147.Marvel Comics Presents #84 148.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #166 149.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #38 150.Alpha Flight #33 151.Incredible Hulk #181 152.Incredible Hulk #182 153.X-Men #94 154.Classic X-Men #1 155.X-Men #118 156.X-Men #139–140 157.Wolverine #4 158.Uncanny X-Men #175 159.Uncanny X-Men #176 160.Uncanny X-Men #181 161.Uncanny X-Men #184 162.Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #5 163.Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1 164.Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #2 165.Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #3 166.Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #4 167.Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #6 168.Alpha Flight #16–17 169.Alpha Flight #34 170.Uncanny X-Men #205 171.Uncanny X-Men #211 172.X-Men Annual #11 173.Marvel Comics Presents #1 174.Marvel Comics Presents #2 175.Marvel Comics Presents #3 176.Marvel Comics Presents #4 177.Marvel Comics Presents #5 178.Marvel Comics Presents #6–7 179.Marvel Comics Presents #8–10 180.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #4 181.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #5 182.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #6 183.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #7 184.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #8 185.Uncanny X-Men #251 186.Uncanny X-Men #252 187.Uncanny X-Men #258 188.X-Tinction Agenda 189.Muir Island Saga 190.X-Men (Vol. 2) #1 191.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #48 192.X-Men (Vol. 2) #4 193.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #55 194.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #56 195.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #57 196.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #60 197.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #175 198.Psylocke #4 199.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #176 200.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #61 201.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #62 202.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #64 203.Sabretooth #1 204.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #66 205.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #67 206.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #68 207.X-Men (Vol. 2) #25 208.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #75 209.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #76 210.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #77 211.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #79 212.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #88 213.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #90 214.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #100 215.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #111 216.Uncanny X-Men #371 217.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #145 218.Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 2) #3 219.X-Men (Vol. 2) #95 220.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #146 221.Uncanny X-Men #390 222.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #162 223.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #168 224.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #173 225.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #174 226.New X-Men #137 227.New X-Men #148 228.New X-Men #130 229.New X-Men #133 230.New X-Men #145 231.Weapon X (Vol. 2) #23–25 232.New X-Men #150 233.Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #1 234.Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #5 235.Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #13 236.Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1 237.X-23: Target X #6 238.Uncanny X-Men #450 239.Uncanny X-Men #451 240.New X-Men (Vol. 2) #20 241.Uncanny X-Men #455 242.New X-Men (Vol. 2) #21 243.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #21 244.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #23 245.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #24 246.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #30 247.House of M #8 248.Wolverine: Origins #10 249.Original Sin (Storyline) 250.Wolverine: Origins #36 251.Wolverine: Origins #48 252.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #313 253.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #73–74 254.X-Force (Vol. 3) #17 255.X-Force (Vol. 3) #20 256.X-Men: Second Coming #2 257.Uncanny X-Force #5 258.Uncanny X-Force #1 259.Uncanny X-Force #3 260.Uncanny X-Force #4 261.Uncanny X-Force #8 262.Uncanny X-Force #10 263.Uncanny X-Force #11 264.Uncanny X-Force #14 265.Uncanny X-Force #18 266.Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #1–2 267.Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #3 268.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #1 269.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #5 270.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #3 271.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #4 272.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #2 273.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #8 274.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #9 275.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #10 276.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #10–11 277.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #13 278.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #12 279.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #15 280.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #16 281.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #11 282.Daken: Dark Wolverine #1 283.X-Men: Schism #1 284.X-Men: Schism #3 285.X-Men: Schism #4 286.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #17 287.Wolverine (Vol. 4) #17–19 288.Wolverine & the X-Men #1 289.Wolverine & the X-Men #2 290.Wolverine & the X-Men #3 291.Wolverine & the X-Men #21 292.Wolverine & the X-Men #25 293.Wolverine & the X-Men #24 294.Battle of the Atom 295.Wolverine & the X-Men #35 296.Wolverine & the X-Men #42 297.Amazing X-Men (Vol. 2) #6 298.Uncanny X-Force #19 299.Uncanny X-Force #24 300.Uncanny X-Force #25 301.Uncanny X-Force #26 302.Uncanny X-Force #34 303.Uncanny X-Force #27 304.Uncanny X-Force #28 305.Uncanny X-Force #35 306.Uncanny X-Force #30 307.Uncanny Avengers #3 308.Uncanny Avengers #9 309.Uncanny Avengers #22 310.Wolverine (Vol. 5) #6 311.Wolverine (Vol. 5) #7 312.Wolverine (Vol. 6) #12 313.Death of Wolverine #1 314.Death of Wolverine #2 315.Death of Wolverine #3 316.Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends #1 317.Return of Wolverine #1 318.Return of Wolverine #3 319.Return of Wolverine #4 320.Return of Wolverine #5 321.Fantastic Four (Vol. 6) #2 322.Fantastic Four (Vol. 6) #4 323.Dead Man Logan #6 324.Wolverine: Infinity Watch #1 325.Wolverine: Infinity Watch #5 326.Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 5) #11 327.Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 5) #22 328.Powers of X #2 329.House of X #3 330.X-Men (Vol. 5) #6 331.House of X #6 332.X-Men (Vol. 5) #1 333.Marauders #1 334.X-Force (Vol. 6) #1 335.X-Force (Vol. 6) #2 336.X-Force (Vol. 6) #3 337.X-Force (Vol. 6) #5 338.X-Force (Vol. 6) #6 339.X-Men (Vol. 5) #5 340.X-Men / Fantastic Four (Vol. 2) #1 341.X-Force (Vol. 6) #13 342.X of Swords: Stasis #1 343.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #7 344.X-Force (Vol. 6) #14 345.Cable (Vol. 4) #6 346.X of Swords: Destruction #1 347.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #28 348.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #29 349.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #30 350.Powers of X #4 351.Marvel's Voices: Pride #1 352.Uncanny X-Men #159 353.Uncanny X-Men #165 354.Wolverine Soultaker #2 355.Dark Reign: The List - Wolverine #1 356.Secret War: From the Files of Nick Fury #1 357.X-Men: The 198 Files #1 358.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #12 359.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #92 360.Excalibur #100 361.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #105 362.Wolverine: Origins #25 363.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #17 364.Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #2 365.Wolverine: First Class #11 366.X-Men (Vol. 3) #5 367.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #46 368.X-Men: Original Sin #1 369.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #80 370.Wolverine: Infinity Watch #4 371.Hulkverines #3 372.Return of Wolverine #2 373.Infinity War #2 374.Uncanny X-Men #172 375.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #4 376.Wolverine #1 377.Marvel Comics Presents #85 378.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #47 379.Avengers (Vol. 8) #42–43 380.Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #5–6 381.New Avengers (Vol. 2) #5 382.New Avengers (Vol. 2) #6 383.Venom #10 384.Carnage, U.S.A. #4 385.Mighty Avengers #7 386.New Avengers #35 387.Mighty Avengers #8 388.New Avengers #36 389.Cates, Donny (8 July 2019) DONNY CATES on Twitter: "The venom bomb was not *technically* a symbiote. It was an artificial bio weapon." Twitter. Retrieved on 10 July 2019. 390.Fear Itself #7 391.Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Omega #1 392.X-Men / Fantastic Four #2–5 393.X-Men / Fantastic Four #2 394.Incredible Hulk #608 395.Incredible Hulk #610 396.World War Hulks: Captain America vs Wolverine #1–2 397.Black Widow: Deadly Origin #1 398.Uncanny X-Men #223 399.X-Men: Gold (Vol. 2) #24 400.Nightcrawler (Vol. 4) #9 401.X-Men #122 402.Generation Hope #4 403.Generation Hope #6 404.Girl Comics (Vol. 2) #3 405.X-Men Phoenix Warsong #1 406.Wolverine: Origins #32 407.Rampaging Wolverine #1 408.Incredible Hulk #340 409.X-Men (Vol. 2) #191 410.Uncanny X-Force #33 411.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #20 412.Wolverine Weapon X #5 413.Wolverine: Origins #4 414.All-New Wolverine #28 415.Wolverine: The Best There Is #4 416.Avengers vs. X-Men #3 417.Fantastic Four #374 418.World War Hulk: X-Men #1 419.Annihilators: Earthfall #2 420.New Avengers Finale #1 421.Wolverine vs. Thor #2 422.Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 2) #2 423.Wolverine (Vol. 6) #1 424.Wolverine (Vol. 6) #3 425.X-Men (Vol. 2) #96 426.Wolverine: Origins #35 427.Wolverine (Vol. 3) #26 428.Cronin, Brian (1 September 2017) The Great Wolverine Guest Star Streak of 1990-1993 Retrieved on 2 September 2017. 429.Cronin, Brian (8 September 2017) What Month Did Wolverine Appear In the Most Marvel Comics? Retrieved on 8 September 2017. 430.IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes Retrieved on 21 February 2019. 431.Wolverine as the 5th top Avenger at IGN's official site 432.Cimino, John (9 February 2018) Weapon X-plained: Wolverine Co-Creator Reveals the Truth Behind His Origin. Retrieved on 11 February 2018. 433.Cronin, Brian (26 July 2013) Comic Book Legends Revealed Vol 1 429 Comic Book Resources. Retrieved on 28 July 2016. 434.Marvel Versus DC #3 435.Uncanny X-Men #158 436.Secret War #2 437.Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 2) #19 438.Wolverine (Vol. 7) #5 439.X-Men (Vol. 6) #29 440.Wolverine (Vol. 2) #164 441.Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1 442.Psych Ward - Wolverine 443.Alpha Flight (Vol. 2) #8 444.Library and Archives Canada's major acquisition of the declassified journals and military records of Canadian super-soldier James "Logan" Howlett Library and Archives Canada. Retrieved on 7 April 2018. 445.Daredevil (Vol. 2) #54–55 446.Loki (Vol. 3) #3 447.X-Men: Kitty Pryde - Shadow & Flame #1 448.Hassan, Chris (23 September 2019) X-Men Monday Vol 1 29 – Wolverine Adventures in Poor Taste. Retrieved on 30 September 2019. 449.Back Issue! 04 TwoMorrow Publishing. Retrieved on 2 September 2017. 450.Cronin, Brian (20 October 2005) Comic Book Legends Revealed Vol 1 21 Retrieved on 2 September 2017. 451.Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #6 452.Wolverine: Weapon X Files #1 453.X of Swords Handbook Vol 1 1

  3. Wolverine. With a past shrouded in mystery, Wolverine's memories are full of government secrets, traumatic events, and death. Remembering only escaping from Weapon X and later joining Alpha Flight, the man known as Logan was approached with a chance to change the world by Professor Charles Xavier.

    • 3 min
  4. Wolverine. A mutant with an unstoppable healing power, adamantium metal claws and no-nonsense attitude makes the man called Logan, one of the most ferocious heroes in the universe. Overview.

  5. Possessing an accelerated healing factor, keenly enhanced senses, and bone claws in each hand (along with his skeleton) that are coated in adamantium; Wolverine is, without question, the ultimate...

  6. Wolverine, comic-book character whose gruff, violent disposition set the standard for later antiestablishment comic heroes. Wolverine—who possesses razor-sharp claws, the ability to rapidly heal virtually any injury, and a skeleton reinforced with an indestructible metal—made his first appearance in 1974.