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  1. 21 ago 2017 · Serie tv. Game of Thrones 7×06, la notte è oscura e piena di terrori. Pusher. Emanuele DAniello. - Agosto 21, 2017. Sicuramente i fans del lato fantasy di Game of Thrones avranno trovato in questa puntata pane per i loro denti.

  2. 22 ago 2017 · Simone Viscardi. Attenzione: evitate la lettura se non volete imbattervi in spoiler sulla 7×06 di Game of Thrones. Rieccomi, vi ero mancato? Lo so, lo so, due settimane di fila con il supplente sono un sogno che nemmeno nelle notti più bagnate dei tempi della terza media, ma ora il titolare della cattedra è tornato ed è già ora di interrogazioni.

  3. 7 apr 2024 · A Dragonstone Tyrion e Daenerys hanno finalmente un confronto diretto dalla battaglia contro Jaime ed è la fiera delle assurdità e delle banalità: da un lato la distruttrice di catene si lancia in un elogio della strategia del terrore che avrebbe fatto felice Maegor il Crudele, dall’altro il nano parricida che non esitò a usare l’altofuoco contr...

    • Overview
    • Synopsis
    • Appearances
    • Cast
    • Quotes
    • Behind the scenes

    "Beyond the Wall" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of Game of Thrones. It is the sixty-sixth episode of the series overall. It premiered on August 20, 2017 on HBO. It was written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, and directed by Alan Taylor.

    At Winterfell

    At Winterfell, Arya Stark talks to her sister Sansa Stark about borrowing Bran Stark's bow and arrow. She tells Sansa that she practiced several times until she finally hit the bullseye. Arya recalls that their father Eddard Stark had been watching and clapped his hands in praise of her accomplishments. Arya reasons that their father knew that the rules were wrong but that his daughter was in the right. She then confronts Sansa about her alleged role in their father's death. Arya presents the letter that Sansa had written to their late brother Robb Stark urging him to come and bend the knee to King Joffrey Baratheon. Sansa replies that the Queen Mother Cersei Lannister forced her to do it under duress. Arya counters that she was not tortured and that she saw Sansa at Ned's execution; Sansa retorts that Arya did nothing to stop their father's execution either. Arya chastises Sansa for betraying their family but Sansa responds that they have only returned to Winterfell because of her, while Arya travelled the world in pursuit of her own agenda. Sansa adds that their half-brother Jon Snow was saved from defeat when Petyr Baelish and the Knights of the Vale came to their rescue and insists Arya would not have survived the torments she endured at the hands of Joffrey and Ramsay. Sansa demands to know where Arya found the letter and chides her younger sister that Cersei would be pleased to see them fighting but Arya is still bitter towards Sansa. She realizes that while Jon would understand the difficult circumstances Sansa was under when she wrote the letter, Sansa is afraid the Northern lords will discover it and turn on her, including Lyanna Mormont. Arya adds that Lyanna is younger than Sansa was when she wrote this letter but argues Lyanna wouldn't agree with Sansa's defense that she was a child at the time. While recognizing that Sansa wrote the letter out of fear, a bitter Arya says that she prefers to embrace anger over fear. Later, Sansa asks Petyr Baelish about where Arya got the letter from, unaware that Baelish orchestrated the entire incident. Sansa tells Petyr that she is commanding 20,000 men who answer to Jon but not to her. Petyr tells Sansa that the men will trust her because she can rule. Sansa does not trust the loyalty of the Northern lords, citing their history of switching sides. She counters that the discovery of the letter will turn her liege lords and men against her. Sansa confides in Petyr about her strained relations with Arya. Petyr suggests that Sansa talk to Brienne of Tarth because she has sworn to protect both of Lady Catelyn Stark's daughters from harm's way. Trusting Baelish, Sansa accepts his advice. The following morning, Maester Wolkan informs Sansa that they have received a letter from Queen Cersei. Sansa meets with Brienne, who advises her not to leave Winterfell. Instead, Sansa decides to send Brienne as her representative since she could reason with Jaime Lannister. Brienne warns that it is too dangerous for her to leave Sansa alone at Winterfell with Petyr. Sansa insists that her guards and men are loyal to her but Brienne warns that Petyr might be bribing them behind her back. Brienne offers to leave her squire Podrick Payne, whose swordsmanship has improved, but Sansa insists that she can take care of herself. Following the events of the wight hunt, Sansa enters Arya's quarters and opens a leather case containing several "faces", including the literally late Walder Frey's face. Arya catches her sister pilfering through her personal effects. When Sansa tells Arya that her men are loyal to her, Arya mockingly retorts that they are not here. Arya tells Sansa that she obtained the faces from the Faceless Men of Braavos and admits she spent time training to be a Faceless Man. She forces Sansa to play the lying game and begins by asking if she thinks that Jon is the rightful King. Sansa demands that Arya tell her what the "faces" are. Arya replies that they always wanted to pretend to be other people. Sansa wanted to be a queen while Arya herself wanted to be a knight. In the end, neither of them got what they wanted. Arya says that the faces allow her to become someone else and toys with the idea of assuming Sansa's face and status. Arya approaches Sansa with her dagger and muses as the possibility of becoming the Lady of Winterfell. However, Arya relents and leaves a disturbed Sansa alone with the dagger.

    The wight hunt

    At Dragonstone, Queen Daenerys Targaryen and her Hand Tyrion Lannister chat in the Chamber of the Painted Table. Daenerys tells Tyrion that she appreciates the fact that he is not a hero because they have a tendency of risking their lives to do dangerous things. She compares Tyrion favorably to "heroes" such as Khal Drogo, Ser Jorah Mormont, Daario Naharis and Jon Snow, most of whom "do stupid things, trying to outdo the others". Tyrion, slightly amused, notes that all of those individuals fell in love with Daenerys, but she dismisses the obvious implication that Jon Snow is in love with her – to which Tyrion sarcastically quips that Jon must be staring so longingly at her because he is so eager for a military alliance. Daenerys remarks that Jon is too little for her tastes, but immediately apologizes when she realizes she's accidentally insulted Tyrion's height. Daenerys also recognizes that Tyrion is no coward. The two then turn their attention to the topic of their impending meeting with Queen Cersei in King's Landing. Tyrion admits that Cersei cannot be trusted and could be setting a trap for them, but that Daenerys will have the Unsullied, the Dothraki and her dragons at hand; if anyone tries to harm her, King's Landing will be leveled in response. Daenerys wonders whether, given that Cersei will almost certainly be attempting to double-cross them, they should be planning something similar. Tyrion is firmly against any deceit, counseling Daenerys that while she needs a healthy degree of fear to instill respect, she cannot rule through fear alone, as leaders who rule through fear alone like Cersei, Tywin, and Joffrey are hated by their people and forever vulnerable to being overthrown. Tyrion reminds Daenerys about her vision of creating a new society by "breaking the wheel" rather than merely imitating prior rulers like Aegon Targaryen, and cautions her about her temper and impulsiveness, citing the fiery executions of Lord Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon. Daenerys asserts that such an action was necessary, but Tyrion still believes she should have attempted more merciful means of dealing with the problem the Tarlys posed, or at least left them alive long enough to consider her other options rather than having them summarily executed. As Daenerys becomes increasingly agitated in the face of Tyrion's blunt but reasonable remarks, he reassures Daenerys that he supports her vision and ideals. Tyrion also proposes that Daenerys consider a succession plan in the event of a disaster, given that by her own admission, she believes she is incapable of bearing children. She refuses to consider this plan until she has donned the crown, also coldly blaming Tyrion's policy of caution for causing her the loss of Highgarden, Ellaria Sand, and Yara Greyjoy. Jon Snow and his ranging party travel through the lands beyond the wall on their mission to capture a wight. Gendry complains about the bitter cold and asks Tormund about life as a wildling. Tormund later confides with Jon about the foolhardy nature of their mission, while Jon discusses his difficult negotiations with Daenerys. Tormund points out that the pride of the Northmen may cost them too many lives, citing Mance Rayder and the Wildlings as an example. While walking, Gendry also confronts the Brotherhood Without Banners about selling him off as a sacrifice to Melisandre. Sandor Clegane sneers that Gendry should be grateful that he is still alive and points out that Beric Dondarrion has been killed six times (not mentioning one of those was by Sandor himself) "and you don't hear him bitching about it". Not entirely sure what to think of that particular revelation, Gendry accepts a drink from Thoros's wineskin. While walking, Jon and Jorah Mormont also chat about their relationships with their fathers Eddard Stark and Jeor Mormont respectively. They say that their fathers were good and honorable men and did not deserve their deaths. Jon tells Jorah about the brutal death of Jeor at the hands of the Mutineers and that Eddard was beheaded. Jon tries to return to Jorah his father's Valyrian sword Longclaw but Jorah tells him that he is not worthy to bear his father's sword, having forfeited any claim to it when he brought shame into his House. His father gave the sword to Jon, and gives his blessing for Jon and his future children to keep it. Later, Sandor and Tormund trade jabs about sex. Sandor takes offense when Tormund asks about how he burnt his face. Tormund then confides in Sandor about his infatuation for Brienne of Tarth, who is nearly as tall as Sandor. He jokes about having "monstrous" babies with her, to Sandor's utter bewilderment. Beric and Jon talk about Eddard Stark and how they have both been resurrected by worshipers of the Lord of Light. Beric tells Jon that he is fighting for life because death is the first and last enemy; it is inevitable, but it is human nature to fight it for as long as you can. He warns Jon that they have to work together to fight death and defend those who cannot defend themselves. Jon reflects on his Night's Watch oath about being the "shield that guards the realms of men" and agrees. Sandor sees the mountain from his vision lying ahead and steers the group in that direction. While trudging through a snowstorm, Jon and his party sight a massive snow bear with blue eyes approaching them. The snow bear turns out to have been resurrected by a White Walker. The monstrous creature mauls and kills three of their company. Beric and Thoros manage to set the snow bear alight with his flaming sword but it continues to attack, forcing Thoros to get in its' way when it attacks Sandor, who is too terrified of the flames engulfing the beast even to defend himself. Thoros is unable to break free of its jaws until Jorah kills it with a dragonglass dagger. Beric cauterizes Thoros' wounds with his flaming sword. Jorah asks the wounded Thoros about his experience charging with a flaming sword during the Siege of Pyke, and commends his old comrade for his drunken bravery. While navigating through the mountain, they see a White Walker leading a column of Wights marching through the canyon below. The ranging party plants a fire and then ambushes them when the White Walker stops to investigate. Jon manages to kill the White Walker with Longclaw, causing most of the Wights associated with it to disintegrate, while the rest of the group manages to capture the only unaffected wight. The creature unexpectedly screeches for help; Sandor slaps his gloved hand over its mouth, but it wrenches its face away when its mouth skin tears off into the glove, to Sandor and Jorah's disgust. As Jorah pulls out a bag from his jacket and secures it over its head, Sandor and Tormund bind the creature with a coil of rope. In the middle of this, they realize their captive's howls have drawn the attention of a massive host of wights now heading their way, hastening their work. As the noise of the horde approaches, Jon sends Gendry, over his protest, back to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea to bring news to Daenerys as he's the fastest. Gendry gives his war hammer to Tormund, who hands it to Sandor who has the wight slung over his shoulder. The wights pursue the group over a lake of weak ice, as they flee toward a large stone island jutting out in the middle. One of the party trips and falls behind; a few of the horde tackles him, the combined weight breaks the ice, and they fall through. This causes a chain reaction of breaking ice all around the rock until the horde slows to a stop to avoid the water. Throughout the night, Jon and his comrades wait in the middle of the ice while encircled by the army of the undead. Meanwhile, Gendry reaches Eastwatch's outer gates but collapses from exhaustion. Davos Seaworth and several guards attend to him. When Davos asks what happened, Gendry tells him to prepare a raven; Davos orders to bring the maester. In the morning, Jon and his company awake to find that Thoros has died from his wounds. Beric and Sandor pay their last respects, with the former praying for the Lord of Light to guard them as the latter assures him freezing to death is said to be one of the better ways to die. At Jon's insistence, they burn the body with Beric's flaming sword so Thoros can't be reanimated. The wights watch while their captive Wight struggles under its hood and restraints. Jorah proposes killing the wight but Jon counters that they need to keep it as evidence. Beric suggests that Jon kill the Night King, who has just arrived on horseback; given that they've seen killing a Walker destroyed the wights it controlled, killing the Night King might destroy them all. He then adds that the Lord of Light has not resurrected Jon for no reason, but Sandor reminds him that they have just lost their priest, and Beric is now down to his last life. After receiving Gendry's message from Eastwatch, Tyrion implores Queen Daenerys, who has donned a cold-weather version of her Targaryen garb, not to leave for the North because it is too risky, insisting that Jon and his companions knew the risks of their mission and that if Daenerys dies beyond the Wall, everything they've done will be for nothing. Daenerys counters that he told her to do nothing before and she lost. Dissatisfied with his advice, Dany leaves with all three dragons to the lands beyond the Wall to aid Jon Snow and his ranging party. Bored, Sandor hurls two rocks at one of the undead minions, knocking its jaw off. The second however, skids across the ice, and both the party and the undead quickly realize the ice, which has hardened overnight, is strong enough to support their weight, and in ever-increasing numbers, the horde attacks the group's position. Sandor holds them back with Gendry's hammer while Jon and the other members of the ranging party join in, wielding weapons of fire, dragonglass or Valyrian steel. Beric manages to set several of the wights alight with his flaming sword. The ranging party hack and slash at the wights with their blades but are unable to stem the tide. With the group overwhelmed, Jon orders them to fall back to the highest part of the island. Tormund is overwhelmed by several wights and is nearly dragged under the ice, but is saved by Sandor, who drags him back onto the island. The group continues fighting against the wights. One of the Wildlings falls off a ledge and is ripped apart by the creatures, who begin to scramble up the ledge towards the living. When all seems lost, Queen Daenerys arrives with her dragons, who attack the wights with dragonfire. Hundreds of wights are burned to ashes while others collapse under the ice, which is melted by dragonfire. Jon and his party rush to Daenerys and her dragon Drogon, dragging their captive wight with them, while Viserion and Rhaegal provide covering fire from above. Meanwhile, the Night King obtains an icy javelin from one of his lieutenants and hurls it at Viserion, scoring a direct hit. Viserion is struck in the neck and plunges helplessly into freefall, shrieking in agony as blood and fire pour from the fatal wound. Drogon and Rhaegal cry out for their brother, but are powerless to help him as Daenerys watches in horror and sorrow. Viserion crashes onto the frozen lake, shattering the ice, and slowly sinks beneath it. As the Night King readies another spear, Jon hollers at Daenerys and company to leave with her remaining dragons before being dragged under the ice by two wights. Daenerys and the survivors of Jon's ranging expedition flee with Drogon and Rhaegal before the Night King can kill them. He hurls the second javelin, but Drogon narrowly dodges it. With the dragons gone, the Night King and his army leave the scene. Later, Jon Snow climbs out of the ice and regains Longclaw. Jon is quickly spotted and pursued by a large horde. Before the wights can finish the King in the North, his long-lost uncle Benjen Stark appears on horseback with his flaming flail. Benjen tells Jon to flee on his horse while he stays behind to buy time for Jon to escape. While riding away on horseback, Jon watches his uncle being overwhelmed by the undead. At Eastwatch, Sandor carries the struggling Wight into a boat. Tormund and Beric tell him they will meet again but Sandor retorts he hopes not. Daenerys sends Drogon and Rhaegal to scour the surrounding mountains for Jon. Jorah tells Daenerys that it is time to leave but she insists on waiting a bit longer. Before she can leave, they hear a horn blowing signaling a rider approaching. Looking down from the battlements, Dany sees a wounded Jon Snow approaching on horseback. Aboard their ship, Davos and Gendry remove the frozen-stiff garments and tend to Jon Snow, who has suffered severe hypothermia and several minor injuries. Daenerys also notes the massive scars on his chest from his previous fatal wounds. In the Narrow Sea, Jon Snow wakes to find Daenerys watching over him in his chambers. Jon apologizes for the disastrous ranging party and the fact it caused Viserion's death, but Daenerys tells him not to apologize because she now knows that the army of the dead is real. Overcome with emotion, she tells Jon that the dragons are the only children she will ever have, and vows that she and Jon will together destroy the Night King. Jon thanks her for her support, addressing her as "Dany", and Daenerys realizes that the last person to address her by that name was her older brother Viserys Targaryen, who Daenerys remembers as not being a good person. Jon apologizes and asks if "My Queen" would be more appropriate; realizing he is agreeing to bend the knee, Daenerys asks Jon what the Northern lords loyal to him will make of this. Jon assures her they will come to see her for the good person she is, as he already has. Touched by his statement, Daenerys gently takes Jon's hand in her own for a moment. They gaze into each other's eye for a moment – a long moment – but Daenerys suddenly pulls away and tells him to get some rest and leaves him alone. Later, hundreds of Wights use several large chains to drag Viserion's corpse out of the frozen lake as the Night King and one of his lieutenants watch. When the dragon's corpse is dragged far enough out of the lake, the Night King walks over and places his hand upon Viserion's snout. All is quiet for a moment... and then Viserion's eyes snap open, shining a depthless, icy blue.


    •White Walker 1 •Captured wight •White Walker 2


    •Thoros •Viserion •Benjen Stark •A White Walker •6 wildlings and Night's Watchmen •Many wights


    •Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister •Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen •Kit Harington as Jon Snow •Aidan Gillen as Petyr Baelish •Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth •Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark •Maisie Williams as Arya Stark •Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth •Rory McCann as Sandor Clegane •Kristofer Hivju as Tormund •Joe Dempsie as Gendry •with Iain Glen as Jorah Mormont

    Guest starring

    •Richard Dormer as Beric Dondarrion •Paul Kaye as Thoros •Joseph Mawle as Benjen Stark •Richard Rycroft as Wolkan •Vladimír Furdík as the Night King


    •Michael Byrch as the captured wight •Dan Euston as a wildling •Juan Carlos Martínez Antuña as a Meereen guard

    Beric Dondarrion: "Death is the enemy. The first enemy and the last. The enemy always wins and we still need to fight him."

    Arya Stark: "You're scared, aren't you? What are you scared of?"


    •King's Landing and its associated storylines do not appear in this episode. Samwell Tarly's storyline does not appear in this episode (though he left Oldtown in the preceding episode and is heading to other storylines). Most of this episode focuses on the wight hunt beyond the Wall. •This is only the eighth episode in the TV series in which King's Landing is not featured in any scene. The previous seven were Season 1's "The Kingsroad" (because King Robert and Cersei were with the Starks on the road and had not yet reached the city), Season 3's "The Rains of Castamere" (which focused mostly on the Red Wedding), Season 4's "The Watchers on the Wall" (which focused entirely on the battle for the Wall), Season 5's "Kill the Boy" (which didn't feature any scene in the Seven Kingdoms not counting the North), and "The Dance of Dragons", and Season 6's "The Door" and "Battle of the Bastards" (both of which focused on major battle sequences outside of southern Westeros, but beyond the Wall, in the North, and in Meereen, respectively). •With a runtime of 71 minutes, this episode was the longest episode in the television series, until the following episode and Season 7 finale, "The Dragon and the Wolf". •This episode's Nielson ratings tied with "The Spoils of War" (the episode before the last one) for the second highest live viewership of all time on the TV series (but not counting streaming and DVR figures), at 10.2 million - down very slightly from the all-time record high set by the immediately preceding episode "Eastwatch", with a live viewership of 10.72 million. •The episode continued, however, the trend of day-after site-visits for Game of Thrones Wiki to increase to new highs with each new episode of Season 7. Prior to Season 7, the second-highest traffic day was for Season 6's "The Door" (the episode that Hodor died) with 4.8 million, and a major jump to 9.1 million after the Season 6 finale (possibly due to the reveal about Jon Snow's real parentage). The preceding episode "Eastwatch" had 5.1 million site visits, up from 4.6 million for the preceding battle episode "The Spoils of War" and surpassing "The Door". "Beyond the Wall" broke this record yet again, with 5.3 million day-after site visits, becoming the new second-highest wiki traffic day of all time. •It is not made clear what Thoros did to his and Beric's swords to make them flame. In the books, he uses wildfire, which wrecks the steel. That their swords are still in good condition in the show suggests that Thoros used his newfound powers to actually enchant the blades.

    At Winterfell

    •It is not made clear why Arya Stark is behaving the way she does in her scenes with her sister Sansa Stark: she refuses to listen to any of her valid counter-arguments that she wrote the letter to Robb under duress. Arya then outright threatens to kill Sansa and take her face: after launching into a long and uncharacteristically dark threat against Sansa, Arya then simply hands her the Valyrian steel dagger she had been brandishing. If she's worried that Sansa will turn on Jon, threatening her will only exacerbate the problem. Their interactions are rationalized in the next episode, "The Dragon and the Wolf", where it is revealed to have been a ruse to trick Littlefinger, but the subplot was received poorly by some critics. •It might not have been clear why Sansa sent Brienne of Tarth away from Winterfell, right after Littlefinger said she would try to prevent any strife between the Stark sisters. It's possible that Littlefinger wasn't urging that Brienne would prevent Arya from harming Sansa, but that Brienne would protect Arya from Sansa. Thus Sansa sent Brienne away (and burned the letter so no one will know about it) because this is the first step in moving against Arya, before Arya can turn the Northern lords against her. Another possibility is that Sansa was sincere in saying that it was unsafe for Brienne to be in Winterfell with Littlefinger, distrusting Littlefinger when he brought up Brienne and sending her away so that she doesn't serve as another one of his pawns. However, there is a good chance that this was the result Littlefinger hoped for, as it means that the Stark sisters are even more isolated than before. •This is consistent with Petyr Baelish's personality. He manuevers people into doing what he wants by relying on lies and half-truths that are combined with vague wording. That allows Petyr to find loopholes if a scheme fails. He claims that the other person misinterpeted his words and phrases. •Sansa says she fears the Northern lords would think her suspect for marrying into enemy Houses twice – even though her marriage to Tyrion Lannister in Season 3 was blatantly made under duress while she was a prisoner and hostage of the Lannisters in King's Landing. Meanwhile, her marriage to Ramsay Bolton was, according to Littlefinger, part a scheme to "undermine the Boltons from within". Sansa, when she later confronted Littlefinger in Season 6's "The Door", berated Littlefinger that his plot to marry her to Ramsay didn't really make sense. This plot has been changed from the novels, where the character who marries Ramsey is explicitly stated to be impersonating a Stark to give the Boltons legitimacy. •Sansa's concern seems to stem from how quickly the Northern lords rallied to and then abandoned Jon. It seems that she is afraid that if the letter is made public, then at least some of the lords could accuse Sansa of being House Lannister puppet – not entirely a stretch given how disgruntled some of them are getting, and problematic even if Sansa isn't making a power grab for herself. Sansa's response to Petyr Baelish's analysis of the situation was that she considered his views without becoming emotional. •Arya reveals to Sansa for the first time that she was actually watching their father's execution, in Season 1's "Baelor", as she was hiding in the crowd in front of the Great Sept. Though it might seem bizarre that Arya accuses Sansa of being there willingly given that Sansa broke into screaming when Joffrey declared he would kill Ned, and then outright fainted when he was beheaded, Arya – who wasn't even a teenager yet – didn't actually see Sansa faint: Yoren was holding her tight and she had already abandoned the vantage point that let her see above the crowd. •Arya recalls their father Eddard Stark watching from the catwalk while the boys practiced archery in the courtyard, then she practiced when the boys left but had to try many times to hit the target. While this is similar to the Stark family's first scene in the Season 1 premiere "Winter Is Coming", it must be describing something that happened earlier: in that episode, Arya fired one arrow and hit the target, while her parents and the boys were still there. •Arya says that Sansa didn't really watch the archery practice sessions because she was at the sewing circle with Septa Mordane, whom Joffrey executed along with the rest of Ned's household servants in King's Landing at the end of Season 1. In the Season 1 premiere, Arya snuck away from the sewing circle with Sansa and Mordane to watch the archery practice. •In the novels, Arya actually isn't skilled at archery; in fact, she has not shot even one arrow in the novels. This episode establishes that she isn't a preternaturally skilled archer with no training, explaining that she was simply practicing in secret for some time before that. •One of the faces Arya has created as magic Faceless Men shapeshifter masks is clearly the face of Walder Frey. It is unknown who the other faces are from. •The Inside the Episode video points out an additional reason for Sansa's shock when Arya starts speaking behind her, after she discovers her bag of faces: notice the camera clearly showed Sansa closing the only door into the room, but when the camera pulls back to reveal Arya, the door is still shut. Arya entered the room, and then closed the door behind her, so silently that Sansa didn't even notice despite only being a few feet away. •Sansa makes the only comment adressing the passage of time in Season 7 itself, but only by vaguely saying that it has been "weeks" since Jon left Winterfell for Dragonstone. Given that months are composed of weeks, this could refer to anything from four weeks to four months. •Sansa says that they're asking "20,000 men" to fight for them. This doesn't seem to match prior numbers, and is likely a hyperbolic remark or miscalculation on Sansa's part: earlier this season ("The Spoils of War"), Jon said there were fewer than 10,000 soldiers left in the North – though he was possibly referring to just the soldiers raised in the North itself, and not the large army from the Vale that came to Winterfell. Given that the Vale stayed neutral for most of the War of the Five Kings, until heading to Winterfell to help defeat the Boltons, it should have a full strength army. •Arya suggests Sansa to play the game of faces - the game she used to play with the Waif ("Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken").

    • 1 min
    • 35
  4. 21 ago 2017 · 21 Agosto 2017. Antonio Casu. Attenzione: evitate la lettura se non volete imbattervi in spoiler sulla 7×06 di Game of Thrones. Conoscere fino in fondo il nemico è l’unico presupposto possibile per vincere una battaglia. Ti permette di svelare la sua anima, la spoglia in uno schema definito e lo rende vulnerabile, probabilmente sconfitto.

  5. 21 ago 2017 · Serie Tv. Game of Thrones recap – 7×06: Oltre la Barriera. Da Gabriele Cerrito - 21 Agosto 2017. La serie HBO torna in grande stile con l’attesissima settima stagione. Analizziamo e commentiamo insieme gli eventi dei vari episodi : cosa succederà in quel di Westeros? Occhio agli spoiler!

  6. Il penultimo episodio è sempre stato piuttosto shoccante, con numerosi colpi di scena e rivelazioni narrative; in questo caso si deludono le aspettative, ma probabilmente ci si prepara ad un finale grandioso. Cosa è successo nella 7×06 di Game of Thrones?

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