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  1. 21 ott 2023 · Appunto di Lingua Inglese che descrive nelle linee generali la celebre festa americana di Halloween, con analisi delle tradizioni relative a questa festa.

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  2. In questa pagina trovate un testo in inglese contenente le informazioni più importanti riguardanti il giorno di Halloween: quando viene celebrato, cosa significa questa festa e come viene festeggiata.

    • Origins
    • Symbols
    • Costumes
    • Games and Other Activities

    Halloween originated from Ireland. The pagan holiday Samhain, which the All Saints holy day replaced, was also known as the Day of the Dead. Many wiccans and modern pagans celebrate the Day of the Dead. It is the day that some believed the souls of dead people come back to Earth. This is a happy holiday (even though it celebrates death) because som...

    Development of symbols connected with Halloween formed with time. Jack-o'-lanterns are traditionally carried on All Hallows' Eve in order to scare evil spirits. Elements of the fall season, such as pumpkins, harvest, and scarecrows, are also common. Homes are often decorated with these types of symbols around Halloween. Halloween imagery includes t...

    During Halloween, some people, especially children, wear costumes. People have worn costumes at Halloween for centuries. Wearing a costume may come from Celtic festivals of Samhain and Calan Gaeaf. It could also be from the Christian Allhallowtide. Early costumes were usually scary. They were often supernatural beings or from folklore. In the 1930s...

    In addition to trick-or-treating, there are several traditional activities connected with Halloween. 1. In old times people would try to tell the future, especially to try to learn who they would marry. 2. People make Jack-o-lanterns and place them in front of their houses. 3. People play a game called apple bobbing. In this game apples are placed ...

  3. 24 ott 2021 · Scopriamo insieme le origini celtiche della festa di Halloween, che – invece di essere un monumento all’idiozia o una americanata – ha delle origini antichissime rintracciabili proprio in Irlanda. Leggete il testo, ascoltate l’audio e fate anche l’esercizio!

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  4. Halloween - Testo in inglese. Halloween (also referred to as All Hollows' Eve) is a holiday that's celebrated in America on 31 October of each year, regardless of what day of the week this date falls on.

  5. Appunto di inglese riguardante tutti i vocaboli sul giorno di Halloween in inglese: la zucca, le streghe, gli spiriti, pipistrelli ecc. Halloween è una festa popolare che viene celebrata nella notte del 31 ottobre e viene spesso definita "la notte più spaventosa dell'anno".

  6. 23 mar 2023 · Questa festa, anche nota come All Hallows’ Eve, ha radici antiche e una lunga storia che risale a secoli fa. In questo articolo, esploreremo la storia, le origini e le tradizioni di Halloween in inglese per comprendere appieno cosa sia questa festa e perché sia così importante.