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  1. The Northern Renaissance was the Renaissance that occurred in Europe north of the Alps. From the last years of the 15th century, its Renaissance spread around Europe.

    • Renaissance

      The Renaissance in Northern Europe has been termed the...

  2. Col termine di Rinascimento nordico si indica il Rinascimento che interessò l'Europa settentrionale a nord delle Alpi. Prima del 1497, il Rinascimento italiano e l'umanesimo avevano creato ben poca influenza al di fuori dell'Italia. Dalla fine del XV secolo, queste idee iniziarono a diffondersi anche nel resto dell'Europa. Questo portò alla ...

  3. While the Italian Renaissance was fading, the Northern Renaissance adopted many of its ideals and transformed its styles. A number of Italy's greatest artists chose to emigrate.

  4. The Northern European Renaissance began around 1430 when artist Jan van Eyck began to borrow the Italian Renaissance techniques of linear perspective, naturalistic observation, and a realistic figurative approach for his paintings.

  5. The northern Renaissance. Political, economic, and social background. Charles VIII, portrait by an unknown artist; in the Uffizi, Florence. In 1494 King Charles VIII of France led an army southward over the Alps, seeking the Neapolitan crown and glory.