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  1. Although fifth-century BCE Athens is widely considered to have been the first state to develop a sophisticated system of rule that we today call democracy, in recent decades scholars have explored the possibility that advancements toward democratic government occurred independently in the Near East, the Indian subcontinent, and ...

  2. By 2023, about 1.3 billion people lived in electoral democracies in all regions of the world: many live in the populous countries of Indonesia, Brazil, and South Africa. Another billion people lived in liberal democracies, such as those living in Chile, South Korea, and the United States.

  3. 2 dic 2021 · The spread of democratic political rights continued during the early 21st century. By 2016, more than 2.8 billion people lived in electoral democracies in all regions of the world: most coming from the populous countries of India, 5 Indonesia, Brazil and Nigeria.

  4. 25 ott 2019 · In ancient Athens, the birthplace of democracy, not only were children denied the vote (an exception we still consider acceptable), but so were women, foreigners, and enslaved people. People of power or influence weren't concerned with the rights of such non-citizens.

  5. 3 feb 2022 · Democracys spread is largely a recent achievement, and dictatorship is far from a distant memory for people in almost all countries. It instead is either still with them, and a part of their daily life; or it is not forgotten, and part of their own or their older relatives’ memories.

  6. democracy and its supporting concepts. The future of democracy will be related to the continuing strength of this diffusion. However, judging the state of democracy in the past or present is not a study of ideas but of behaviors. A democratic constitution does not make a democracy; only democratic, constitutional behavior 0022-197x/85/1314-0161 ...

  7. 10 apr 2019 · How have conceptions of self-governance changed over time? What is the popular will, and what are the ways in which political leaders have sought to harness it? Mr Miller has written about...