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  1. Il monastero di Yuste è un monastero nel piccolo villaggio ora chiamato Cuacos de Yuste (anticamente San Yuste o San Just) nella provincia di Cáceres nella comunità autonoma di Estremadura in Spagna. Il monastero fu fondato dai monaci del Ordine di San Gerolamo nel 1402.

  2. This Hieronymite monastery had been founded in 1408-1414 under the patronage of Prince Ferdinand, brother of Henry III. One of its cloisters is Gothic and the other is Renaissance, contemporary with the church built in 1508-1525.

  3. The Monastery of Yuste is a monastery in the small village now called Cuacos de Yuste (in older works San Yuste or San Just) in the province of Cáceres in the autonomous community of Extremadura, Spain. The monastery was founded by the Hieronymite order of monks in 1402.

  4. El Monasterio de Yuste es conocido mundialmente por ser la última morada del Emperador Carlos V, y en la actualidad es la sede de la ceremonia de entrega del Premio Europeo Carlos V en un acto que preside S.M. el Rey. En un entorno privilegiado que incluye itinerarios naturales, la visita al Monasterio permite descubrir la Casa-Palacio, la ...

  5. Si tratta di un monastero dell'ordine dei Gerolamini fondato nel 1408. La sua fama internazionale è dovuta al fatto che qui, a partire dal 1557, trascorse i suoi ultimi mesi l'imperatore Carlo V dopo aver abdicato in favore del figlio Filippo II.

  6. Yuste Monastery is the only royal site, following the disappearance of the Palace of the Catholic Monarchs in Guadeloupe, that can be classified as a "singular building" in Spain. It has a rich and important cultural heritage and has witnessed many major events in the history of Spain and Europe.

  7. Today, both the palace and the monastery are considered to be exceptional examples of Spanish Renaissance architecture. Monastery of Saint Jerome at Yuste was integrated into Patrimonio Nacional (National Heritage, the Spanish institution responsible for managing state-owned properties) in 2004.