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  1. › topics › zeusZeus – Mythopedia

    21 set 2023 · Zeus was the supreme god of the Greeks, a mighty deity who meted out justice from atop Mount Olympus. Hailed as the father of both mortals and immortals, Zeus was the god of the sky and weather, but was also connected with law and order, the city, and the household. The numerous other gods of the Greek pantheon were all subordinate to Zeus, and ...

  2. › topics › apolloApollo – Mythopedia

    11 apr 2023 · Apollo was the son of Zeus, the supreme god of the Greek pantheon, and Leto, a descendant of the Titans. In myth, he and his twin sister Artemis were born on the island of Delos, the only place on earth that would give Leto shelter when Hera, Zeus’ jealous wife, sought to prevent her from giving birth.

  3. 9 mar 2023 · Persephone, often known simply as Kore (“Maiden”), was a daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Her mythology tells of how she was abducted by her uncle Hades one day while picking flowers. Demeter, distraught, wandered the entire world in search of her daughter. When Demeter at last located Persephone in the Underworld, she demanded that her ...

  4. › topics › rheaRhea - Mythopedia

    9 mar 2023 · Rhea, the daughter of Gaia and Uranus, was a Greek Titan and the mother of the Olympians. Along with the other Titans, Rhea was imprisoned in Tartarus by her tyrannical father; she was eventually liberated by her brother Cronus, whom she married. Rhea gave birth to the Olympian deities and, through her cunning, helped them overthrow Cronus and ...

  5. › topics › themisThemis – Mythopedia

    10 mar 2023 · Themis, the daughter of Gaia and Uranus, was one of the original twelve Titans of Greek mythology. Though in some traditions she conspired with her fellow Titans to overthrow their father, Uranus, she betrayed them during the Titanomachy by siding with the Olympians. Themis eventually married the king of the Olympians, Zeus, and bore him many ...

  6. › topics › heraclesHeracles - Mythopedia

    14 lug 2023 · Heracles, the son of Zeus and Alcmene (a mortal woman), was a Greek hero and demigod. Because he was the product of one of Zeus’ many affairs, Heracles was hated and hounded by Zeus’ jealous wife Hera. Hera ensured that Heracles’ life was filled with hardship and tragedy. Of all Heracles’ heroic deeds, the most important were the Twelve ...

  7. 31 ago 2023 · Jupiter was the supreme god of the Romans and Latins, familiar in at least some form to all Italic peoples. As the god of the sky, Jupiter commanded lightning, thunder, storms, and the weather at large. Like Zeus, his Greek counterpart, Jupiter wielded thunderbolts as weapons. [1] He was also a god of rain and was thus worshipped in connection ...

  8. 3 lug 2023 · Perseus, son of Zeus and the Argive princess Danae, was a Greek hero and king connected with the Argolid. Perseus’ numerous exploits included beheading Medusa, saving the princess Andromeda, and founding the city of Mycenae and the Perseid dynasty. Banished from Argos before he was born (due to an ominous prophecy), Perseus grew up on a ...

  9. 25 lug 2023 · Eurynome was an Oceanid, one of the three thousand nymp h daughters of the Titan s Oceanus and Tethys. After becoming a consort of Zeus, she gave birth to the three Charites (also known as the Graces): Aglaea (“Radiance”), Euphrosyne (“Joy”), and Thalia (“Flowering”). Some traditions claimed that she and Zeus were also the parents ...

  10. 25 set 2023 · Alcmene was a beautiful mortal princess. Her father was Electryon, the king of either Mycenae or Tiryns in the Argolid. After Alcmene’s husband Amphitryon accidentally killed her father, she accompanied him into exile in Thebes. The lovely Alcmene was seduced by Zeus, who took the form of her husband Amphitryon in order to sleep with her.

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