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  1. Gli Archivi di Arolsen (in tedesco e inglese Arolsen Archives, in passato noti come International Tracing Service) sono un centro internazionale di documentazione, informazione e ricerca sulla persecuzione nazista, il lavoro forzato e l'Olocausto nella Germania nazista e nelle regioni occupate, situato a Bad Arolsen in Germania.

  2. The archive contains about 30 million documents from concentration camps, details of forced labour, and files on displaced persons. ITS preserves the original documents and clarifies the fate of those persecuted by the Nazis. The archives have been accessible to researchers since 2007.

  3. 5 giorni fa · The Arolsen Archives are the international center on Nazi persecution with the world’s most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of National Socialism. The collection has information on about 17.5 million people and belongs to the UNESCO’s Memory of the World.

  4. Die Arolsen Archives – International Center on Nazi Persecution sind das internationale Zentrum über NS-Verfolgung mit dem weltweit größten Archiv zu den Opfern und Überlebenden des Nationalsozialismus. Die Organisation hat ihren Sitz in der nordhessischen Stadt Bad Arolsen.

  5. Les Archives Arolsen, nommées jusqu’en 2019 Service International de Recherches (anglais International Tracing Service - ITS) sont un centre de documentation, d’information et de recherche sur la persécution national-socialiste, le travail forcé et la Shoah, siégeant dans la ville hessoise de Bad Arolsen en Allemagne.

  6. The Arolsen Archives are the international center on Nazi persecution with the world’s most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of National Socialism. The collection has information on about 17.5 million people and belongs to UNESCO’s Memory of the World.

  7. The comprehensive online archive is an essential part of what we do. As an international center on Nazi persecution, we see it as our mission to contribute to debate on remembrance and coming to terms with the Nazi period, political persecution and racism.