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  1. Fatima bint Amr. Fāṭimah bint ʿAmr ( Arabic: فاطمة بنت عمرو; d. 576) was the grandmother of Muhammad and Ali ibn Abi Talib and one of the wives of Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim. She was from the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh tribe, unlike her co-wives, who were all from outlying tribes and had relatively little influence in Mecca.

  2. ʿĀtika bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (Arabic: عاتكة بنت عبد المطلب) was an aunt of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

  3. Umama bint Abdulmuttalib (born 540), paternal aunt of Muhammad; Atika bint Abdul Muttalib (fl. 624), aunt of Muhammad; Arwa bint Abdul Muttalib (born c. 560), aunt of Muhammad; Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (c.567–c.653), companion and paternal uncle of Muhammad; Safiyyah bint Abd al-Muttalib (c.569–c.640), companion and aunt of Muhammad

  4. Umayma bint Abd al-Muttalib ( arabe : أميمة بنت عبد المطلب) est la tante paternelle de Mahomet, dernier prophète de l' islam . Elle est née à La Mecque, fille d' Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim et de Fatimah bint Amr al-Makhzumiya 1 . Elle épouse Jahsh ibn Riyab, un immigré de la tribu Asad ibn Khuzayma 2, 3, avec qui elle a six ...

  5. 8 apr 2024 · Abd al-Muttalib showered him with affection, referring to him directly as his own, saying not 'the son of Abdullah' but 'my son". When feeling his death approaching, he approached Abu Talib, instructing him to safeguard and protect the Prophet, and he singled him out with this advice, which Abu Talib honored.

  6. Al-Zubayr ibn Abd al-Muttalib (en arabe : الزبير بن عبد المطلب), fils d'Abd al-Muttalib et de Fatima bint Amr. Frère d'Abu Talib et du père de Mohamet, Abdullah, il est un oncle de Mahomet [1]. Biographie. Il a épousé Atika bint Abi Wahb, du clan Makhzum, et ils ont eu quatre filles et un fils.

  7. Abd al-Muttalib. Abd al-Muttalib Ŝajbah ibn Haŝim (en araba: عَبْد ٱلْمُطَّلِب شَيْبَة ٱبْن هَاشِم‎, ĉirkaŭ 497 – 579), estis avo de la islama profeto Mohamedo, estante patro de lia patro Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib. Abdul-Muttalib ibn Haŝim estis edzo de Fatimah bint Amr de la klano Maĥzum.