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  1. apr 2017. Eton ha sempre il suo perché: sarà per i suoi illustri ex allievi, sarà per il posto (Eton e Windsor sono divise da un piccolo ponte dal quale si gode di una vista spettacolare), resta il fatto che vale sempre la pena fare una visita alla più famosa public school del Regno Unito. In alcuni periodi dell’anno la scuola è aperta ...

  2. › admissions › feesFees - Eton College

    School Fees & Extras. The school fee includes tuition, board, lodging, and the cost of most games activities and the majority of educational materials. In addition, boys incur variable extras, e.g. charges for music lessons, optional insurances, boat club membership and school trips. Details of current fees are displayed below, and further ...

  3. Museum of Eton Life. We use objects, costume and ephemera to tell the story of life at the school from its foundation in 1440 to the present day. Collections Home Museums Museum of Eton Life. The museum brings to life the experience of learning, playing and living at Eton College across six centuries. The museum sets the history and traditions ...

  4. Non è possibile visualizzare una descrizione perché il sito non lo consente.

  5. › college-life › boardingBoarding - Eton College

    Home College Life Boarding. Book an Admissions tour. Boys are thrown together in groups of 10 or 11 as 13-year-olds, and they grow up together over the next five intense and action-packed years. Friendships built up during this period will last for the whole of a person’s life. The roles of House Master and Dame are complex and varied.

  6. Chapelle d' Eton College. Le collège d'Eton ( Eton College) N 1, fleuron des public schools britanniques, est une école pour garçons âgés de 13 à 18 ans, fondée en 1440 par le roi Henri VI, située à Eton dans le Berkshire en face de la ville de Windsor, à environ quarante kilomètres de Londres 1, 2, vers l'ouest.

  7. Eton College. Eton College. Eton College ili Eton je svjetski poznata engleska privatna škola za mladiće osnovana 1440. godine od engleskog kralja Henrika VI. Eton pohađaju učenici od 13. do 18. godine. Eton obrazuje više od 1300 učenika razvrstanih u 25 domova. Škola je smještena u gradiću Eton blizu grada Windsora u grofoviji Berkshire.