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  1. 14 set 2021 · Mills College will merge with Northeastern University, after a vote by the Board of Trustees on Tuesday. The partnership between the schools is expected to take effect on or around July 2022. This comes after months in court with the school’s Alumnae Association of Mills College, which has sued to get more information about the proposed deal.

  2. Mills College faces closure as a historic women’s liberal arts college. We need your help to create an alternative to acquisition and the end of its historic mission. Act Now! And ensure Mills College continues to exist as an independent degree-granting, historically women's liberal arts college. Thank you!

  3. Mills College, private liberal arts institution of higher education for women in Oakland, California, U.S. Men may study in the graduate-level programs. Mills College offers more than 30 undergraduate majors in English and foreign literatures, languages, and cultures; ethnic and women’s studies;

  4. In just four sensible steps, Mills College could save about $11.25 million annually and steadily return to an average student size of 1600. STEP 1. Cut Administrative Bloat. Despite declaring a financial emergency, Hillman continued to increase administrative spending until it exceeded all other budgets.

  5. Die Geschichte des Mills College in Kalifornien reicht zurück bis ins Jahr 1852. Seit 1875 trägt die in Oakland nahe San Francisco residierende Einrichtung ihren jetzigen Namen. Damals war es das erste Frauencollege im Westen der USA und bis heute steht das Grundstudium nur weiblichen Studierenden offen.

  6. 11 ott 2021 · ミルズカレッジ Mills College 2021年に買収. 用語:Mills College. 日文:ミルズカレッジ. 別名: 西部最古の女子リベラルアーツ大学 西部のセブンシスターズ. 簡体:米尔斯学院 密尔斯学院. 繁体:米爾斯學院 密爾斯學院. 拼音: mi3er3si1xue2yuan4 mǐěrsīxuéyuàn. 住所 ...

  7. 东北大学米尔斯学院(Mills College at Northeastern University-CA-Oakland)史上最全深度解析,了解一下:美国留学领军品牌 美国续航教育 提供最权威的美国大学申请、美国大学转学、美国高中申请、美国高中转学、美国大学开除紧急应对、F1身份恢复、冬夏令营服务,是美国本土留学中介机构,强大的美国资源 ...