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  1. Scopri la cuffia Sennheiser HD 4.20s. La HD 4.20s di Sennheiser è una cuffia microfonica circumaurale chiusa che offre performance e valore ottimi. Unisce il suono di qualità Sennheiser alla praticità di un solo comando remoto con microfono posto sul cavo, per la gestione delle chiamate. Design leggero e resistente con comodi padiglioni ...

  2. 1 gen 2002 · This chapter discusses spin waves in thin films, superlattices, and multilayers. Spin waves are made up of elemental excitons in magnetic materials, from which thermodynamic properties could be derived, such as magnetization, specific heat, and their dynamic behaviors. The concept of spin waves as low-lying excitations in ordered magnetic ...

  3. 1 gen 1998 · A polymer-based (or polymeric) admixture, also called a cement modifier, is defined as an admixture which consists of a polymeric com- pound as a main ingredient effective at modifying or improving the properties such as strength, deformability, adhesion, waterproof- ness and durability of cement mortar and concrete.

  4. This study examines (a) secondary trauma by evaluating World Assumptions (World Assumptions Scale scores) among spouses of Israeli ex-prisoners of war (ex-POWs) and (b) the relationship between the husbands’ current posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and PTSD trajectory and the wives’ world assumptions.

  5. 8 ott 2021 · In a more systematic exploration recently, 33, 53 the treatment of h-BN with concentrated H 2 SO 4 or its mixture with HNO 3, or by a strong oxidizing solution of KMnO 4 in concentrated H 2 SO 4 /H 3 PO 4 at 50 °C followed by the addition of H 2 O 2, all coupled with vigorous sonication, was generally ineffective for the exfoliation. 33, 53 The dispersions of the resulting samples were ...

  6. 23 mar 2019 · Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns.