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  1. Equity (2017) Naomi Bishop, esperta bancaria di investimenti, lotta per ottenere una promozione nel competitivo sfondo delle società di Wall Street. A capo di una controversa offerta pubblica iniziale dopo la crisi finanziaria globale e il restringimento delle norme di regolamentazione, Naomi #si ritroverà a essere minacciata da uno scandalo finanziario e ad affrontare una rete di corruzione.

  2. Un film di Meera Menon con . S'è parlato d'"Equity" come d'un thriller finanziario al femminile, una versione rosa della Wall Street raccontata da Stone e Scorsese, una prospettiv'in gonnella sulle frodi speculative da "Margin Call" a "La grande scommessa".

  3. Equity. Un film di Meera Menon . Con Alysia Reiner, Sarah Megan Thomas, Anna Gunn, James Purefoy. Drammatico , durata 100 min. - USA 2016 .

  4. Artists Equity is co-founded by Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Gerry Cardinale of RedBird Capital. AIR, Artists Equity’s first film, directed by Affleck and starring Damon and Affleck, received a global theatrical release on April 5, 2023 from Amazon Studios in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on Prime Video.

  5. We provide debt and equity financing through funds committed by our limited partners, which include institutions, family offices, and high-net-worth individuals. MEP Capital provides financing for media and entertainment projects and businesses. Responsible and flexible investing in music, film, digital media, and live events.

  6. 30 apr 2023 · Private equity film financing: Private equity firms are investment companies that pool capital from various sources to invest in multiple projects, including films. They typically invest in high-budget films with a proven track record, although some may also invest in independent films with strong potential.

  7. The Deadliest Disease in America, a documentary film produced and directed by Crystal R. Emery, (p.g.a) traces the history of racism in American healthcare, beginning with the brutal medical experimentation that slaves were forced to undergo. As this story unfolds over our nation’s history, the very same inequalities and biases continue to ...