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  1. Johannes Hans Friedrich Leopold von Seeckt (22 April 1866 – 27 December 1936) was a German military officer who served as Chief of Staff to August von Mackensen and was a central figure in planning the victories Mackensen achieved for Germany in the east during the First World War.

  2. 22. April: Hans von Seeckt wird als Sohn des Offiziers Richard August von Seeckt in der Stadt Schleswig geboren. 1885. Kurz nach Ablegung der Reifeprüfung tritt er in den preußischen Armeedienst ein. 1899. Seeckt wird nach Absolvierung der Kriegsakademie im Rang eines Hauptmanns dem Kaiserlichen Generalstab zugewiesen.

  3. Hans von Seeckt (1866 – 1936), generale tedesco. Citato in B. H. Liddell Hart, Storia di una sconfitta [ modifica ] Io trovo molto fastidioso il non poter più considerare Nerone semplicemente come il mostro imperiale che soleva andare a letto al lume d'un cristiano trasformato in torcia ardente, ma piuttosto come un dittatore moderno, saggio anche se alquanto bizzarro.

  4. 20 set 2018 · In the fall of 1915, Seeckt orchestrated the over­ running of Serbia. In 1916 he served as a senior staff officer to the Austro-Hungarian and later the Turkish armies, and he was in the Ottoman Em­pire when the war ended. Untarred by the brush of disaster associated with the German collapse on the West­ern Front, Seeckt was a logi­cal ...

  5. Abstract. After the First World War and the signing of the treaty of Versailles, the German army was forced to rethink its guidelines and restructure its forces. Generaloberst (Colonel-General) Hans von Seeckt had a special role in the development of the Reichswehr in the Weimar Republic. His influence was of such importance that he has been ...

  6. Seeckt, Hans (Johannes) Friedrich Leopold von. General, * 22. 4. 1866 Schleswig, † 27. 12. 1936 Berlin, ⚰ Berlin, Invalidenfriedhof. (evangelisch)

  7. Hans von Seeckt and His Vision of a 'Modern Army' 319 After the First World War and the signing of the treaty of Versailles, the German army was forced to rethink its guidelines and restructure its forces. Generaloberst (Colonel-General) Hans von Seeckt had a spe cial role in the development of the Reichswehr in the Weimar Republic.