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  1. Francis II Rákóczi. Francis II Rákóczi (Hungarian: II. Rákóczi Ferenc, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈraːkoːt͡si ˈfɛrɛnt͡s]; 27 March 1676 – 8 April 1735) was a Hungarian nobleman and leader of Rákóczi's War of Independence against the Habsburgs in 1703–1711 as the prince (Hungarian: fejedelem) of the Estates Confederated for Liberty of the Kingdom of Hungary.

  2. Francois Rákóczi al II-lea (în maghiară II. Rákóczi Ferenc, în slovacă František II. Rákoci) (n. 27 martie 1676, la castelul Borsi (astăzi Borša), Comitatul Zemplén, Regatul Ungariei - d. 8 aprilie 1735, Tekirdağ, Imperiul Otoman) a fost un nobil maghiar din familia Rákóczi, principe regent al Ungariei și principe al Transilvaniei.

  3. 29 feb 2024 · Francis II Rákóczi was a Hungarian aristocrat and national hero who fought against Habsburg rule during the early 18th century. He was born on March 27, 1676, to a prominent noble family. His father, Francis I Rákóczi, had also been a leader in the Hungarian anti-Habsburg movement.

  4. József Rákóczi (en) ( 1700 – 1738) György ( 1701 – 1756 ) Religion. catholicisme. Prince de Transylvanie. modifier. François II Rákóczi de Felsővadász (en hongrois : felsővadászi II. Rákóczi Ferenc ), né le 27 mars 1676 à Borsi et mort le 8 avril 1735 à Tekirdağ dans l' Empire ottoman, est un aristocrate hongrois qui régna ...

  5. Francis II Rákóczi (Hungarian: II. Rákóczi Ferenc, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈraːkoːt͡si ˈfɛrɛnt͡s]; 27 March 1676 – 8 April 1735) was a Hungarian nobleman and leader of Rákóczi's War of Independence against the Habsburgs in 1703–11 as the prince (Hungarian: fejedelem) of the Estates Confederated for Liberty of the Kingdom of Hungary. He was also Prince of Transylvania, an ...

  6. A hazáért és a szabadságért. Tanulmányok II. Rákóczi Ferencről, koráról és emlékezetéről; szerk. Miklós Péter; Belvedere Meridionale, Szeged, 2013; Theatrum Europaeum. A Rákóczi-szabadságharc krónikája az európai kulturális színtéren / Die Kronik des Rákóczi-Freiheitskampfes im Kulturkreis Europas; vál., bev

  7. On 1 March 1666, she married Francis Rákóczi, with whom she had three children: György, born in 1667, who died in infancy; Julianna, born in 1672; and Ferenc (commonly known as Francis Rákóczi II), born in 1676. On June 8, 1676, not long after Francis II's birth, the elder Francis died.