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  1. És fill de l'empresari hoteler Agustín Almodóvar Juan i la també política Ángela Barceló, i net de l'històric dirigent del Partit Popular (PP) a Benidorm Miguel Barceló Pérez. També és nebot d'Eduardo Zaplana, ex president de la Generalitat Valenciana. Ha estat president de Nuevas Generaciones a Benidorm.

  2. › wiki › Légami!Légami! - Wikipedia

    Film di Pedro Almodóvar Lungometraggi Pepi, Luci, Bom e le altre ragazze del mucchio (1980) · Labirinto di passioni (1982) · L'indiscreto fascino del peccato (1983) · Che ho fatto io per meritare questo?

  3. Pedro Almodóvar Caballero (Calzada de Calatrava, Proviñs Ciudad Real, 25 a viz Gwengolo 1949) zo ur filmaozer spagnol, an hini brudetañ moarvat. Levezonet eo bet gant filmaozerien evel Billy Wilder , Douglas Sirk , Alfred Hitchcock , Rainer Werner Fassbinder , Luis Buñuel , Edgar Neville , Federico Fellini , Luis García Berlanga hag an neorealour Marco Ferreri .

  4. The same month, Agustín Almodóvar, the producer of the film, posted a photo on Twitter of his brother, Pedro, on set, which was later followed by photos of Banderas, Sbaraglia, and Cruz together in screen tests for the film. Agustín Almodóvar announced via Twitter that filming began on 16 July 2018.

  5. The Skin I Live In. The Skin I Live In (Spanish: La piel que habito) is a 2011 Spanish thriller and melodrama hybrid film written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar, starring Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Marisa Paredes, Jan Cornet and Roberto Álamo. It is based on Thierry Jonquet 's 1984 novel Mygale, first published in French and then in ...

  6. Agustín Almodóvar wurde 1955 in Calzada de Calatrava geboren und studierte Chemie an der Universität Complutense Madrid. Zusammen mit seinem Bruder ist er Gründer und Besitzer der Filmproduktionsfirma El Deseo. Des Weiteren ist er Mitglied der Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España .

  7. Spanish film producer and actor. Agustín Almodóvar Q399076)