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  1. Anglikanska kyrkogemenskapen ( engelska: The Anglican Communion) är ett av de största kristna trossamfunden i världen, med totalt över 70 miljoner medlemmar. Den omfattar huvudsakligen, men inte enbart, den engelska kyrkan och dess dotterkyrkor i de före detta brittiska kolonierna.

  2. Canon law of the Anglican Communion. The Anglican Communion does not have a centralised canon law of its own, unlike the canon law of the Catholic Church. [1] Each of the autonomous member churches of the communion, however, does have a canonical system. Some, such as the Church of England, has an ancient, highly developed canon law while ...

  3. Augustinian nuns in the Anglican Communion. Augustinian nuns are named after Saint Augustine of Hippo (died AD 430) and exist in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. In the Roman Catholic Church there are both enclosed monastic orders of women living according to a guide to religious life known as the Rule of St Augustine, and also other ...

  4. List of Anglican Communion dioceses. This is an alphabetical list of bishops and archbishops of the Anglican Communion, with links to articles about their dioceses or provinces where possible. As of 2020 the Anglican Communion (as recognised by the Anglican Consultative Council) consists of 865 dioceses and 18 additional Ordinary jurisdictions ...

  5. In most parishes of the Anglican Communion, the Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday, having replaced Morning Prayer as the principal service. Broad-church Anglicans typically celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday, or at least most Sundays. The rite may also be celebrated once or twice at other times during the week.

  6. The Anglican Communion Primates' Meetings are regular meetings of the primates in the Anglican Communion, i.e. the principal archbishops or bishops of each (often national) ecclesiastical province of the Anglican Communion. There are currently 38 primates of the Anglican Communion. The primates come together from the geographic provinces around ...

  7. Charles III, roi du Royaume-Uni et gouverneur suprême de l'Église d'Angleterre. L’ anglicanisme est une confession chrétienne présente principalement au Royaume-Uni, dans les pays de culture anglophone, à la fois dans les anciennes colonies britanniques et sur les terres d'expatriation des Britanniques de par le monde 1 .