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  1. identified as Titus’ wives, Arrecina Tertulla and Mar-cia Furnilla.3 If the portraits of Julia Titi and Domitia were modeled on portraits of the founding women of the dynasty, it is curious that so few of the latter have survived. That the Flaviae Domitillae did not live to witness Vespasian’s accession and that Titus’ marriages

  2. Ebbe una moglie, che probabilmente si chiamava Giulia. Da questa, ebbe una figlia di nome Arrecina Tertulla e un figlio, anch'egli di nome Marco Arrecino Clemente e prefetto del pretorio nel 70, sotto Vespasiano. Nel 62 sua figlia sposò il futuro imperatore Tito.

  3. Arrecina Tertulla was a Roman woman that lived in the 1st century. She came from obscure origins and her family were of Equestrian rank. Tertulla’s father was called Marcus Arrecinus Clemens. Clemens was an honourable Praetorian Prefect who served in 38 A.D. in the reign of Emperor Caligula.

  4. Tito Flavio Cesare Vespasiano Augusto, meglio conosciuto semplicemente come Tito, è stato un imperatore romano, appartenente alla dinastia flavia e regnante per poco più di due anni dal 79 alla sua morte.

  5. Nel giro di due anni si sposò due volte, dapprima con Arrecina Tertulla e poi con Marcia Fumilla, dalle quali ebbe varie figlie, di cui solo una, di nome Giulia, sopravvisse. Nel 67 fu inviato dall'imperatore Nerone in Medio Oriente per reprimere la ribellione dei Giudei (prima guerra giudaica).

  6. Arrecina Tertulla. Arrecina Tertulla was a Roman woman that lived in the 1st century. She came from obscure origins and her family were of Equestrian rank. Tertulla’s father was called Marcus Arrecinus Clemens. Clemens was a honourable Praetorian Prefect, that served in 38 in the reign of Emperor Caligula.

  7. 11 nov 2022 · Titus married Arrecina Tertulla, but the marriage ended two years later when she died. Later, he married Marcia Furnilla, who was from a prestigious Roman family. After his second marriage ended in divorce – because of Furnillas’ alliance to Emperor Nero – Titus never married again. He did, however, father many daughters.