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  1. Kunigas pakeitė iki tol Vilniaus arkivyskupijos kurijos sekretoriato vadovą bei kanclerio pareigas dirbusį monsinjorą Kęstutis Latoža, kuris buvo atleistas. [3] 2023 m. gegužės 25 d. paskelta, kad kunigas buvo nuteistas pinigine 4 tūkst. eurų bauda už „neteisėto pornografijos vaizdų su seksualiai išnaudojamais vaikais įgijimo ...

  2. AUGA is a new kind of agricultural, food production and AgTech business. We’re bringing together the experience we’ve gained as Europe’s largest vertically integrated organic food company, our 39,000-hectare sandbox, and an expert team of engineers and tech innovators to create a carbon neutral food value chain that has no cost to nature.

  3. Kęstutis Česnavičius. Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay. Université Paris-Saclay. Bâtiment 307, Bureau 3E22. F-91405 Orsay, France. Office: 3E22. Office phone: 01 69 15 57 44. E-mail: I am a chargé de recherche of CNRS located at the Université Paris-Saclay.

  4. La famiglia di Kęstutis, granduca di Lituania (1381-1382), è elencata in questa pagina. Kęstutis amministrò il Granducato al fianco di suo fratello Algirdas dal 1345 al 1377.

  5. 10 lug 2018 · Kęstutis Kasparavičius (1954) attended a school for musically-gifted children, at which they are generally prepared for careers in music. But by the time he graduated, he decided that drawing and painting were more for him, so he went on to study design at Vilnius Academy of Art. He worked as a book illustrator for a long time, and won ...

  6. Kęstutis (Belarusian language: Кейстут; Lithuanian pronunciation: [kæːsˈtutɪs]; born ca. 1297, died on August 3 or August 15, 1382 in Kreva) was monarch of medieval Lithuania. He was the Duke of Trakai and governed the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1342–82, together with his brother Algirdas (until 1377), and with his nephew Jogaila (until 1381). He ruled over the Lithuanians and ...

  7. Birutė (moglie di Kęstutis) pressi di Palanga , ? Birutė ( pressi di Palanga, ... – 1382) fu la seconda moglie di Kęstutis, granduca di Lituania e madre di Vitoldo il Grande. Si sa molto poco sulla sua vita, ma dopo la sua morte si sviluppò un forte culto tra i lituani, specialmente in Samogizia .