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  1. 14 ago 2020 · Colgate boasts a healthy and sustainability-conscious food program with multiple locations for gathering and dining on campus. First-year students begin with an unlimited meal plan. As students grow in independence throughout their four years, additional meal-plan variants are available to suit their lifestyle. More about campus dining.

  2. 4 giorni fa · Colgate University students pursue intellectual passions under the mentorship of leading experts. Bachelor of arts degree programs at Colgate University offer a distinctive approach to liberal arts education, exploring a wide variety of subjects rooted in critical thinking, powerful communication, and creative problem-solving. 9:1.

  3. En 1823, le Baptist Theological Seminary de New York fusionne avec elle pour former la Hamilton Literary & Theological Institution. En 1846, l'école prend le nom de Madison University [3]. En 1890, elle prend le nom d’Université Colgate en l’honneur de William Colgate, un des administrateurs de l’école. Évènements

  4. コルゲート大学. コルゲート大学 ( 英語: Colgate University )は、ニューヨーク州ハミルトン村に本部を置く アメリカ合衆国 の 私立大学 。. 1819年 創立、 1819年 大学設置。. シラキュース 都市圏に位置し、約2,800人の学生が在籍している リベラル・アーツ大学 ...

  5. The Colgate Commitment marks a milestone in the University’s progress to make a Colgate education affordable to as many talented, high-achieving students as possible, regardless of their socioeconomic background. For eligible students, this comprehensive financial aid initiative will: eliminate tuition, significantly reduce student debt, and ...

  6. Colgate is a distinctive, leading American university known for its intellectual rigor, world-class professors, campus of stunning beauty, and alumni famously loyal…

  7. 柯爾蓋特大学(英語: Colgate University )是一所坐落于美國 纽约州 汉密尔顿市的私立文理學院,建于1819年,有本科学约两千八百人,教授近三百人。原名麦迪逊大学(Madison University),后为感谢肥皂和牙膏制造商柯盖德家族(Colgate Family)的支持改名为柯盖德 ...