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  1. Ziauddin Yousafzai adalah ayah dari Malala Yousafzai, seorang wanita muda yang memprotes Taliban untuk hak-hak pendidikan anak-anak, terutama bagi gadis Pakistan.Saat ini ia adalah Penasihat Khusus Pendidikan Global di Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa dan juga atase pendidikan Pakistan di konsulat di Birmingham, Inggris.

  2. 17 set 2019 · Ziauddin Yousafzai, il papà dell’attivista Nobel per la pace, racconta la loro vita: “Anche quando temevo per la sua sorte non le ho mai tar…

  3. 18 apr 2017 · Now her mother, Toor Pekai Yousafzai, ... she is invariably accompanied by her father Ziauddin, who has often been interviewed about his daughter's many successes. Meanwhile, ...

  4. 26 ott 2021 · September 9, 2021. Speech. Malala Yousafzai. Social Norms. Author. Ziauddin Yousafzai is an activist, educator and the father of Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai. As co-founder of Malala Fund, he advocates for every girl’s right to 12 years of free, safe, quality education. Hi, Assalam u alaikum, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

  5. 18 giu 2019 · Ziauddin Yousafzai sapeva, ben prima di avere una famiglia sua, che non voleva fosse come quella da cui veniva lui. Sapeva che voleva per le sue figlie una vita diversa da quella delle sue sorelle ...

  6. Ziauddin Yousafzai is the father of Malala, the global activist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. In his own right, Ziauddin is an education activist, human rights campaigner and teacher. He hails from Pakistan's Swat Valley where, at great personal risk among grave political violence, he peacefully resisted the Taliban's efforts to shut down schools and limit their personal freedom.

  7. 21 gen 2024 · Ziauddin Yousafzai ville opdrage sin Malala til at flyve frit. I 2009 fik den pakistanske talibanbevægelse kontrol over Swat-dalen. Den bombede pigeskoler og forbød piger at gå i skole.