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  1. Andreas Baader: Eine kurze Biografie Andreas Baader ist eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit in der deutschen Geschichte.Er war ein Aktivist und Mitbegründer der Roten Armee Fraktion (RAF), einer radikalen linken Organisation, die in den 1970er Jahren durch eine Reihe von Bombenanschlägen und politischen Morde in Deutschland Berühmtheit erlangte.

  2. Andreas Baader (n. 6 mai 1943, München, d. 18 octombrie 1977) a fost un terorist vest-german care a fost unul din liderii organizației Rote Armee Fraktion. Împreună cu Gudrun Ensslin , Thorwald Proll și Horst Söhnlein a incendiat două magazine universale din Frankfurt am Main la 2-3 aprilie 1968 , în semn de protest față de războiul din Vietnam .

  3. Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Ulrike Meinhof, Jan-Cari Raspe, Holger Meins e Horst Mah-ler contro tutta la Germania. Il dramma inizia tra Berlino e Francoforte sul Meno. Si chiude a Stoccarda, con l'imponente ultimo atto messo in scena a Stammheim, il carcere di massima sicurezza in cui si svolge il processo più lungo e costoso della Repubblica federale tedesca.

  4. Andreas Baader (1943-1977) and Ulrike Meinhof (1934-1976) were the best known founders and leading members of the West German "Red Army Faction" (RAF). Acting as Communist urban guerrillas, their names were joined by the media to make the popular designation of the "Baader-Meinhof Group," which West German police classified as a terrorist organization of violent anarchists.

  5. Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin went on to plant incendiary bombs in a department store. It only took the police about two days to locate them and they were sentenced to several years in prison. They were mistakely released under a political prisoner amesty. At point they were given a community service assignment of counceling disturbed youths.

  6. This is a website of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI). IALHI brings together archives, libraries, document centres, museums and research institutions specializing in the heritage, history and theory of labour and social movements from all over the world.

  7. 10 mar 2024 · When this attempt failed, RAF leaders Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe committed suicide in prison on October 17. Hanns Martin Schleyer was murdered 44 days after his abduction.