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  1. Helen Parkhurst ( New York, 3 gennaio 1887 – New York, 1º giugno 1973) è stata una pedagogista e educatrice statunitense . Durante un viaggio di studio in Italia nel 1914 conobbe Maria Montessori e ne frequentò i corsi con profitto e soprattutto ne acquisì il metodo educativo. Ritornata poco dopo in America si preoccupò in particolar ...

  2. 27 gen 2020 · Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), the leader of the suffragette movement and my great-grandmother, was at the forefront of that fight – which started in Manchester in 1903. She was, and has remained, an iconic global representation of women’s resistance, as a consequence. The movement resulted in hundreds of thousands of people, mainly women ...

  3. 6 ago 2018 · Cent ans après l'obtention du droit de vote pour les femmes en Angleterre, d'autres combats se jouent. Helen Pankhurst, arrière-petite-fille de suffragette poursuit la lutte entamée par ses aïeules Emmeline et Sylvia Pankhurst. Reçue au consulat britannique à la mi juillet 2018, Terriennes l'a rencontrée.

  4. Helen pankhurst. Helen Pankhurst CBE is an author, a development and international women’s rights activist working as an advisor to CARE International, a Visiting Professor at MMU and the First Chancellor of the University of Suffolk. She is also on the Board of Action Aid and in 2019 was the judge for the Orwell Prize for Political Writing ...

  5. Helen Pankhurst. Helen Pankhurst (1964 – vivente), attivista britannica. Abbiamo bisogno di un cambiamento culturale globale sul lavoro, dalle colline di Hollywood ai corridoi di Westminster, fino alle fabbriche di Dhaka... (citato in AA.VV., Il libro del femminismo, traduzione di Martina Dominici, Gribaudo, 2019, p. 324. ISBN 9788858022900)

  6. Dos años después del arranque del movimiento de denuncia del acoso sexual #MeToo en Estados Unidos y tras el cuarto de siglo transcurrido desde la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer celebrada en Beijing, Helen Pankhurst traza una panorámica de las diferentes olas de feminismo a lo largo de los últimos cien años.

  7. Helen Pankhurst is a writer, academic and women’s rights activist, and the great-granddaughter of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, who led the British movement to win the right for women to vote. She is a senior adviser at humanitarian agency CARE International, a visiting senior fellow at the London School of Economics and a visiting ...