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  1. 2 giu 2024 · Elysium. ( Greek mythology, Roman mythology) The home of the blessed after death. A place or state of ideal happiness; paradise . 1847, Emily Brontë, chapter XXIII, in Wuthering Heights ‎ [1]: Joseph seemed sitting in a sort of elysium alone, beside a roaring fire; a quart of ale on the table near him, bristling with large pieces of toasted ...

  2. › wiki › Elysium_MonsElysium Mons - Wikipedia

    L'Elysium Mons è un vulcano situato nella regione di Elysium Planitia, nell'emisfero orientale di Marte. Questo vulcano è molto più piccolo dei vulcani di Tharsis . È alto soltanto 9 km con una base di circa 400 km di diametro.

  3. Legends of Elysium is a Play-And-Earn fantasy project made as a Fusion of Card & Board games. The game combines an incredible, immersive classic card game experience with the ground-breaking technology behind non-fungible tokens (NFTs) giving the players true ownership over assets they possess. Unique Stake & Borrow mechanism, enables owners of ...

  4. Elysium (band) Elysium was a melodic death metal band from Wrocław, Poland, created in Spring 1996 by Maciej Miskiewicz (vocals), Michał Maryniak (guitar), Marcin Maryniak (bass), Mariusz Bogacz (drums) and Tomasz Kochaniec (keyboards). Half their discography was released on Metal Mind Productions, a major Polish indie label.

  5. Elysium (álbum de Pet Shop Boys) Elysium es el título del undécimo álbum de estudio del dúo de synthpop británico Pet Shop Boys. Su lanzamiento con el sello discográfico Parlophone fue el 5 de septiembre de 2012. Este álbum fue producido durante el año 2012 en Los Ángeles por el productor Andrew Dawson y los Pet Shop Boys.

  6. Elysium; Tipo: Caratteristica di albedo: Pianeta: Marte: Dati topografici; Coordinate: EN) Elysium, su Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, United States Geological ...

  7. Sinopse. No ano 2159, os seres humanos divídense en dous grupos: os ricos, que viven na estación espacial Elysium, e tódolos demais, que sobreviven como poden nunha Terra devastada e superpoboada. Rhodes ( Jodie Foster ), unha dura gobernante, promove unha ríxida lei antimigración, cuxo obxectivo é preservar o luxoso estilo de vida dos ...