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  1. During the years 1941 to 1953, Iran remained a constitutional monarchy and active parliamentary democracy with Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi retaining extensive legal executive powers. On March 15, 1951, the National Assembly, led by Prime Minister Hossein Ala , unanimously voted to nationalize the oil industry, which at the time was dominated by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now BP ).

  2. Constitutional monarchy King Prajadhipok signing the Constitution of Siam , 10 December 1932. In June 1932, a group of foreign-educated students and military men called " the promoters " carried out a bloodless revolution , seized power and demanded that King Prajadhipok grant the people of Siam a constitution.

  3. The monarchy of Grenada is a system of government in which a hereditary monarch is the sovereign and head of state of Grenada. The current Grenadian monarch and head of state, since 8 September 2022, is King Charles III. As sovereign, he is the personal embodiment of the Grenadian Crown. Although the person of the sovereign is equally shared ...

  4. Though these constitutional laws, as they apply to Jamaica, still lie within the control of the British parliament, both the United Kingdom and Jamaica cannot change the rules of succession without the unanimous consent of the other realms, unless explicitly leaving the shared monarchy relationship; a situation that applies identically in all the other realms, and which has been likened to a ...

  5. The constitution of the United Kingdom is an uncodified constitution made up of various statutes, judicial precedents, convention, treaties and other sources. [1] Beginning in the Middle Ages, the constitution developed gradually in response to various crises. By the 20th century, the British monarchy had become a constitutional and ceremonial ...

  6. From 1861 to 1946, Italy was a constitutional monarchy founded on the Albertine Statute, named after the king who promulgated it in 1848, Charles Albert of Sardinia. The parliament included a Senate, whose members were appointed by the king, and a Chamber of Deputies, elected by census vote. In 1861 only 2% of Italians had the right to vote.

  7. d. e. Monarquia constitucional é uma forma de monarquia na qual o soberano exerce a autoridade de acordo com uma constituição escrita ou não escrita, [ 1] enquanto o Poder Legislativo é exercido por um Parlamento, geralmente eleito pelos cidadãos. A monarquia constitucional difere da monarquia absoluta (na qual o monarca detém o poder ...