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  1. › wiki › LiberismoLiberismo - Wikipedia

    Liberismo. Il liberismo (detto anche liberalismo economico, liberismo economico o libertà di mercato) è un sistema economico nel quale lo Stato si limita ad assicurare funzioni pubbliche che non possono essere soddisfatte per iniziativa individuale [1], e a garantire con norme giuridiche la libertà economica [1] e il libero scambio [2] [3 ...

  2. Social liberalism (German: Sozialliberalismus, Spanish: socioliberalismo, Dutch: Sociaalliberalisme) is a political philosophy and variety of liberalism that endorses social justice, social services, a mixed economy, and the expansion of civil and political rights, as opposed to classical liberalism which supports unregulated laissez-faire capitalism with very few government services.

  3. Liberalismo politico. Liberalismo Politico è un saggio del filosofo John Rawls pubblicato in lingua inglese negli Stati Uniti nel 1993 [1] e in lingua italiana, nella traduzione di Gianni Rigamonti, l'anno successivo [2] .

  4. Från Wikipedia. Friheten på barrikaderna av Eugène Delacroix (1830). Liberalismen är en politisk ideologi med rötter i 1700-talets frihetsrevolutioner, upplysningen och den vetenskapliga revolutionen. Generellt sett brukar liberalismens anhängare förespråka öppenhet, tolerans och demokrati, värdera frihet och rättvisa högt samt vara ...

  5. In general, liberalism in Europe is a political movement that supports a broad tradition of individual liberties and constitutionally-limited and democratically accountable government. These European derivatives of classical liberalism are found in centrist movements and parties as well as some parties on the centre-left and the centre-right .

  6. › wiki › 自由主義自由主義 - Wikipedia

    自由主義 (じゆうしゅぎ、 英: liberalism )または リベラリズム とは、 市民革命 時代から由来している 市民的 ・ 経済的自由 と 民主 的な諸 制度 を要求する 思想 [1] 、立場 [1] 、 運動 であり [1] 、 自由 と 平等 な 権利 に基づく 政治的 ・ 道徳的哲学 で ...

  7. Historically, national liberalism has also been used in the same meaning as conservative liberalism (right-liberalism). [2] [3] A series of "national-liberal" political parties, by ideology or just by name, were especially active in Europe in the 19th century in several national contexts such as Central Europe , the Nordic countries , and Southeastern Europe .