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  1. 纽约军事学院 New York Military Academy 坐落于Hudson高地,在纽约市北面55英里,纽约军校是一所有着军事传统的顶尖大学预备学校。

  2. vs. Capital Prep Harbor School (CT) NYMA

  3. New York Military Academy is the alma mater of Presi- dent Donald Trump who studied here for five years. Many creative leaders in the arts, business, and interna- tional politics joined NYMA as teens and found the expe- rience transformative. For Summer 2023, NYMA will be offering three 2-week sessions of leadership summer pro- grams for children age 11 or older. All of our summer program ...

  4. New York Military Academy (NY) 是美國紐約軍校是美國私立住宿學校 Cornwall在Hudson,位於紐約市北方的60 哩處, 1889年由查理斯・傑弗遜・懷特建立,內戰退伍軍人和前學校教師從軍事結構為學術成就提供了最佳的環境。 NYMA有118年歷史作為學院大學預科學校,是一所美國現在最古老的軍校之一。 1975年 ...

  5. New York Military Academy rankings based on statistics, test scores, and school ratings from students and parents.

  6. 2 giorni fa · President Biden’s commencement address comes at a moment of military upheaval abroad, university protests at home and a looming rematch with former President Donald J. Trump.

  7. 15 apr 2016 · Donald Trump spent five years at the New York Military Academy in Cornwall-on-Hudson, from 1959 until he graduated in 1964.