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  1. Pauline Bellisle es hija de Henri Jacques Clément Bellisle, relojero, y Marguerite Pauline Barandon. Se casó con Jean-Noël Fourès, un cazador de oficiales a caballo, a quien siguió a Egipto. Ella escapa por poco de la muerte durante el levantamiento de El Cairo en 21 de octubre de 1798.

  2. Pauline Fourès ( Pamiers, 15 a viz Meurzh 1778 – Pariz, 18 a viz Meurzh 1869 ), a oa ul livourez, ur skrivagnerez hag ur sonerez c'hall hag a zo brudet evit bout bet kentañ serc'h Napoleone Buonaparte . Merc'h e oa da Henri Jacques Clément Bellisle, horolajer, ha da Marguerite Pauline Barandon. Eureudiñ a eure da Jean-Noël Fourès ...

  3. 29 ago 2023 · Pauline was nog maar pas in het huwelijk getreden met luitenant Fourès. Ze verveelde zich te pletter in Caïro terwijl haar man de Mamelukken achternazat. Zeven dagen, een reeks brieven en enkele rijkelijke geschenken later gaf ze zich aan Napoleon over. De generaal hield niet van half werk en had dus ook aandacht voor mijnheer Fourès.

  4. Pauline Foures. An intelligent woman with a keen eye for the main chance, Pauline Foures accompanied her husband to Egypt where she divorced him after beginning an affair with Napoleon Bonaparte. Slim, blonde and very attractive, Foures became known by the French troops as Cleopatra and for two years she was Bonaparte's mistress. Officers ...

  5. Pauline Fourès, nicknamed Bellilotte. Inscription: [PAULINE FORES || (nee BELLISLE.-Surnommee BELLILOTE) || Plus tard Mme DE RANCHOUP || 1779-1869] // SON PORTRAIT PEINT PAR ELLE-MEME || (A M. le comte Desmazieres) Description: Portrait of Pauline Foures, born Pauline Bellisle, the wife of a lieutenant in the Chasseurs during the Egypt campaign.

  6. 6 gen 2021 · Marguerite Pauline Bellisle Fourès, moglie di un tenente dei cacciatori a cavallo del Corpo di spedizione in Egitto, chiamata da Napoleone Bellilote. Per i soldati era invece invece «la Cleopatra di Napoleone»: i due, infatti, si conobbero a Il Cairo, durante la Campagna d’Egitto nell’agosto 1798.

  7. 2 giu 2024 · Cleopatra VII’s reputation as an intelligent, charming, and seductive ruler had survived well into the 18th and 19th centuries. When her husband returned to Egypt, Pauline and Jean-Noel Fourès divorced. However, Napoleon and his “Cleopatra” never married. Pauline Fourès married twice more and devoted her time to painting and writing novels.