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  1. PhD Unit. PhD Unit - Accreditation, agreements and funding. Le attività presentate in questa pagina sono finanziate totalmente, o in parte, dai fondi del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza. L'elenco e le finalità delle attività intraprese dalla Sapienza sono descritte nella pagina dedicata Sapienza per il Pnrr.

  2. The Architecture - Urban Regeneration Master is offered by Sapienza University of Rome. The Masters Degree in Architecture – Urban Regeneration, in compliance with the qualifying learning objectives of the class LM-4, aims at responding to the need of a new profile of Architect, fully integrated in the European context, with reference to ...

  3. The course features exams in both Italian and English. ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIALS SCIENCE. Interuniversity Master's Degree Course with Universidade de Évora; Aristotle University of Thessaloniky. Department of Environmental Biology. PHYSICS. Master's degree. Physics department. The course includes two curricula in English: 1.

  4. The course is the only Master degree at Sapienza in the class of Automation Engineering (LM-25). The course is also part of the french-italian network Elisa, providing joint academic degrees at selected French universities and "Grandes Ecoles” (here for further details). The Infostud code of the Master in Control Engineering is 29933.

  5. Multiple locations. The world's leading university rankings place Sapienza at the top of Italian universities for quality of research, education and international dimension; moreover, Sapienza excels and leads as a benchmark in many subject areas. #101 Ranking. 6 Bachelors. 3,500 Academic Staff.

  6. Admission Requisites. You can enrol in the State Exam for Dentistry if you have a degree in: Current Academic System Degrees: LM-46 (DM270/04), 52/S (509/99) Previous Academic System Degrees: degree in Dentistry and dental prosthetics. Please Note: the 2022 first and second sessions of the State Exams will be delivered as a single online oral ...

  7. Participate in the Erasmus+ Programme! You can spend part of your academic career in another European or non-European country, experience a new culture and broaden your horizons. New Erasmus+ Programme 2021-27. Erasmus + 2014-20. Programme and opportunities. Mobility Destinations.