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  1. 6 dic 2022 · Christ’s Hospital wasn’t a medical institution but rather a school, founded in 1552 by King Edward VI. Thanks to his father’s dissolution of the monasteries, London had lost a considerable proportion of the 16th century welfare state.

  2. La graziosa cittadina medievale di Horsham ospita la Christ’s Hospital School, molto adatta ai più giovani in quanto si trova in una località tranquilla, sicura e circondata da ampi spazi verdi.All’interno del campus sono disponibili ampie aree per lo svago e le attività all’aria aperta La stazione ferroviaria collega Horsham a Londra Victoria Station in meno di un’ora.

  3. Christ’s Hospital named finalist in the 2024 UK Social Mobility Awards. Christ’s Hospital has been named a finalist in the School/College of the Year category at the eighth annual UK So… Read story

  4. Fazit Christ’s Hospital School. Die Christ’s Hospital School ist eine historische Schule mit besonderen Traditionen und einem hohen Anteil an Internatsschülern. Es gibt jedoch noch reichlich weitere traditionelle Internate mit starkem Sinn für Gemeinschaft. Wir möchten Ihnen ans Herz legen, sich weitergehend zu informieren.

  5. Christ's Hospital est une école publique située dans le Sussex de l'Ouest, en Angleterre. Fondé en 1552 par le roi Édouard VI d'Angleterre et fréquenté par certains lord-maires de Londres comme Samuel Taylor Coleridge, il est doté d'une charte royale. Depuis sa création, le Christ's Hospital est une école caritative dont l'objectif principal est d'offrir aux enfants issus de milieux ...

  6. Christ’s Hospital School è una splendida “private school” situata nella pittoresca campagna inglese, a soli 3 km dal centro della vivace cittadina di Horsham.La stazione ferroviaria proprio adiacente al college consente di raggiungere facilmente l’elettrizzante Londra e la cittadina stessa di Horsham.

  7. 3 nov 2023 · Christ’s Hospital named finalist in the 2024 UK Social Mobility Awards. Christ’s Hospital has been named a finalist in the School/College of the Year category at the eighth annual UK So… Read story