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  1. Trama del film Ok connery. Poiché il celebre agente con licenza di uccidere è impegnato in un'altra missione, suo fratello, il dottor Neil Connery - esperto in chirurgia plastica, ipnosi e valente karateka - è chiamato a collaborare con i servizi segreti inglesi per sgominare l'organizzazione Thanatos che ha appena sottratto dei documenti top-secret dai quali dipende la sicurezza mondiale.

  2. 15 dic 2017 · Cast: Neil Connery, Daniela Bianchi, Adolfo Celi. Italy 1967. 104 mins. This review of is an excerpt from horror luminary Kim Newman’s new book Video Dungeon (Titan), which explores the B-movie basement and digs out unexpected gems. Only in 1967… only in Italy… could an entire movie, with a reasonably healthy budget, be built around the ...

  3. 22 apr 2017 · If it has a problem, it’s that the pop-eyed Neil Connery (dubbed by a bland American) just hasn’t got the charisma to carry off the role of himself, let alone prove a credible threat to his big brother (he’s also in The Body Stealers, and rather more relaxed there). However, it’s a hoot for the non-stop parade of astounding outfits ...

  4. Release Date. 13-Dec-2011. UPN. 8-032628-998027. 180 grs vinyl. Limited edition of 300 copies. Other information. Members who have this label in their: Collection: 6.

  5. Connery mette al corrente Maya che sarà assassinata dopo che Mr Thai sarà diventato capo dell'organizzazione terroristica. La donna passa così dalla sua parte. Connery scopre che nella fabbrica si producono pezzi del macchinario e i dipendenti sono ciechi per non scoprire che lavorano pericolosi filamenti di uranio.

  6. Operation Kid Brother, alternately Operation Double 007 (OK Connery) is a 1967 Italian spy film directed by Alberto di Martino and starring Neil Connery, famous for being a blatant attempt to cash in on the James Bond franchise and for its appearance on Mystery Science Theater 3000. The film oddly seems to have been dubbed in Paris and not Rome, as is usual for Italian films. Most of the ...

  7. OK Connery (also known as Operation Kid Brother) is a 1967 Italian action/spy film directed by Alberto De Martino. The movie stars Neil Connery (Sean Connery's younger brother) as Dr. Neil Connery, a plastic surgeon and Scottish secret agent tasked with tracking down an evil criminal organization.