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  1. 20 set 2008 · All about Movie: directors and actors, reviews and ratings, trailers, stills, backstage. Against all the odds an individual manages to create an annua...

  2. 5 ago 2012 · But even after the member states of the UN unanimously adopt Peace Day, the struggle isn’t over. As the years pass, there’s not a single ceasefire. The voices of the cynics are growing louder – and now Gilley’s non-profit organisation, Peace One Day, is in dire financial straits. But he can’t let it fail.

  3. The Day After Peace Selected for no less than 16 international film festivals, Jeremy Gilley’s 2008 documentary The Day After Peace premiered at Cannes film festival to a rapt audience. Armstrong’s subtle but rousing soundtrack is the perfect accompaniment to this unique film – released nearly a decade after Gilley founded global charity Peace One Day in 1999.

  4. The Day After - Il giorno dopo. Stati Uniti, primi anni ottanta. La cronologia degli eventi che portano alla terza guerra mondiale è dipinta interamente attraverso notiziari televisivi e radiofonici. L'Unione Sovietica ha avviato un riarmo militare in Germania Est, con l'obiettivo di intimidire gli Stati Uniti per farli ritirare da Berlino Ovest.

  5. Da Mad Max: Fury Road a Le Streghe di Eastwick: i 5 migliori film di George Miller; Da strega a Furiosa: i 10 migliori film e serie TV di Anya Taylor-Joy; One Piece: l’ordine in cui guardare i film e dove trovarli in streaming; Cattivissimo Me: l’ordine in cui guardare i film e dove trovarli in streaming

  6. 2011 meinte Meyer, dass er gehofft hatte, dass The Day After die Wiederwahl des damaligen amtierenden Präsidenten Ronald Reagan verhindern würde. Eine Untersuchung legt den Schluss nahe, dass der Film die Einstellung zu Atomwaffen nicht veränderte, jedoch zu einem besseren Verständnis für die Auswirkungen eines Atomkriegs beitrug.

  7. 「ザ・デー・アフター・ピース」の解説、あらすじ、評点、予告編動画をチェック!あなたの鑑賞記録も登録できます。 - 国連で9月21日を“ピースデー”に定めようとするジェレミー・ギリーが自らメガホンを取り、10年に渡るその活動の模様を追ったドキュメンタリー。世界から戦争と暴力の ...