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  1. El 1605, Bethlen va donar suport a Stephen Bocskay i al seu successor Gabriel Báthory (1608–1613). Més tard, Bethlen va caure amb Báthory i va fugir a l' Imperi Otomà . El 1613, després de l'assassinat de Báthory, els otomans van instal·lar Bethlen com a príncep de Transsilvània i això va ser aprovat el 13 d'octubre de 1613 per la Dieta Transsilvana a Kolozsvár ( Cluj-Napoca ).

  2. Find out what Stephen Bethlen's 16 type, Enneagram, and Zodiac sign are in the Soulverse, the personality database of celebrities and fictional characters. We use cookies on our website for a number of purposes, including analytics, performance, and advertising.

  3. C ount Stephen Bethlen von Bethlen, onetime Premier of Hungary, decided last week that trying to straighten out the problems of a mad world was a waste of time, announced his retirement from ...

  4. Bethlen, Gabriel (bĕthˈlən), 1580–1629, prince of Transylvania (1613–29). He was chief adviser of Stephen Bocskay and was elected prince after the assassination of Gabriel Báthory . A Protestant, though tolerant toward all religions, he allied himself (1619) with the Protestant Frederick the Winter King and overran Hungary, of which he was elected king (1620).

  5. Gabriel Bethlen. Elected King of Hungary, Prince of Transylvania and Hungarian Protestant military leader (1580–1629) image. coat of arms image. Upload media. Wikipedia. Name in native language. Bethlen Gábor. Date of birth.

  6. Imre Thököly (alternativ Emeric Tököli, în germană Emmerich Thököly, n. 25 septembrie 1657, Kežmarok, Prešovský kraj, Slovacia – d. 13 septembrie 1705, İzmit ⁠ (d), Kocaeli, Turcia) a fost un principe al Transilvaniei, om de stat maghiar și conducător al revoltei antihabsburgice a curuților . S-a născut la Kezmarok (actuala ...