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  1. Douglas Firenzében született , a skót konzervatív politikus , Archibald, Drumlanrig vikomt legidősebb fiaként, aki Queensberry 7. márquessének örököse volt . Apja 1856-os utódlása után rövid időre Drumlanrig vikomtnak nevezték ki, apja 1858-ban bekövetkezett halála után pedig megörökölte a Queensberry márkvizát .

  2. OW, at the top of his fame as a playwright, brought libel charges against the Marquess of Queensberry (father of his lover Lord Alfred Douglas), who had sent him an insulting card, reading...

  3. 23 mag 2018 · John Sholto Douglas Queensberry, 8th marquess of, 1844–1900, British nobleman, originator of the code of rules that governs modern boxing [1]. He served in the British army and navy and later was a member of (1872–80) the House of Lords [2] as representative peer from Scotland.

  4. John Sholto Douglas, 9. markýz z Queensberry GCVO ( Florence, 20. července 1844 – Londýn, 31. ledna 1900), byl skotský šlechtic , známý tím, že dal své jméno a patronát „ pravidlům markýze z Queensberry “, která tvořila základ moderního boxu, pro jeho otevřený ateismus, a pro jeho roli v pádu partnera jeho syna Alfreda, Oscar Wilde.

  5. John Sholto Douglas, 9. markis af Queensberry GCVO ( Firenze, 20. juli 1844 - London, 31. januar 1900), var en skotsk adelsmand , husket for at have givet sit navn og protektion til " Rules of the Marquis of Queensberry " som dannede grundlag for moderne boksning, for hans åbenhjertige ateisme og for hans rolle i faldet af sin søn Alfreds partner, Oscar Wilde.

  6. Trova la regole di queensberry foto, immagine, vettoriale, illustrazione o immagine a 360° stock perfetta per te. Disponibili per licenze RF e RM.

  7. John Sholto Douglas, ninth Marquess of Queensberry (1844-1900), sportsman and controversialist. Queensberry was dissolute, profligate, often violent, promiscuous, adulterous and abusive of his family.